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Daireem - Vansid
Eruantion Doriath
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
9/28/2009 11:37:57 PM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 157

Eruantion waited a moment, and then raised an eyebrow. "I did hear you say time travel, right?" he asked, nonplussed.

"You did hear right. He's looked at sort of as a two bit whack job by the rest of the science community. He's never been able to prove any of his work, and neither has anyone else." the officer continued, "Now, I've got a man going over to his place right now to pick him up. However, I am going to be frank with you, I don't think we'll have much luck."

"Why is that, officer?" Nienna asked, looking more than a little bewildered.

"Well, he left absolutely no contamination at the site. I personally don't think he would have left his name on the wall. I mean, it does seem almost like a publicity stunt for him. Son from the future killed and all that, however... but I just really don't see any way it's possible. So, unless he cracks under pressure of being here, we don't have anything."

Eruantion shook his head in understanding, and looked at Nienna. The news about their DNA pointing towards the victim being their son had shaken them both pretty badly, even if it was insane.
Eruantion Doriath
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
2/21/2010 11:49:47 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 157

"Well, thank you for coming in. I'll have Frank take you back to your brother's appartment. We'll call you and let you know if we get any leads." The officer said, getting up out of his chair and standing behind his desk.

Eruantion and Nienna slowly stood, taking the hint that this was their cue to leave. The officer lead them to the glass door, and poked his head outside, hollering to a young cop standing by. The tag on his uniform informed them that he was Frank. They shook hands with the officer that had brought them in, and then went back to Amonost's place.

     "So, what did they say? Any leads yet?" Amonost asked, almost as soon as they had walked in the door. They all made their way into the cramped livingroom and sat down on the assorted random pieces of broken furniture. Eruantion ran his hand over his face, tried of all the muss and fuss that had been going on for the last week.

     "Well, it looks like there is a mad scientist at the moment. Believes he's found the key to time travel." Eruantion delivered through his hand.

     "What makes them think he's got anything to do with it?" Amonost said, grabbing a piece of last night's pizza that was still sitting on the coffee table, and taking a bite out of it.

     "Well, apparently the bloody writing on our wall had his name mixed up in it somewhere." Eruantion leaned forward and grabbed a cold pizza as well.

     "Alright, that's a bit creepy. Why would he sign his work that obviously?" Amonost said, chewing openly while talking.

     "Man, that's disgusting." Eruantion said, taking another bite of his pizza. "Choo yner doggun fwood befwor woo twalk." he paused, and swallowed, then continued, "Well, I don't know. I kind of doubt that it's him, but it's the only thing they have to go on right now." He paused, looked at Nienna for a second, and then proceeded.

     "There's another thing. They said that the body found in our house... was our son." Eruantion put down his piece of pizza, suddenly losing his appetite.

     "Wait, what? Did I hear that right? The victim was your son? Since when did you two have a child? And how do they know it's yours?" Amonost raised an eyebrow.

     "Well, they took DNA samples from both of us, and apparently the victim has enough markers in it that is similar to the make up of ours, that they can tell. Now, I have no idea how that's even possible, much less how he got there. However, it does make one wonder about this crazy doctor the cops were talking about. With his talks of time travel, and all."

Amonost seemed to take all this new information in stride. He didn't seem to be surprised or disturbed by the information. That was one thing Eruantion always liked about his brother. He processed everything, and didn't get too emotional about anything. It made him come across as a real jerk sometimes, but it was always nice having someone with a level head around.

     "You know, I think I might have read something about a doctor working on a way to time travel, not too long ago. His name was like... Truck... or... Gas... Diesel, maybe? Let me go see if I can find that magazine." Amonost said, standing up and heading for the bathroom.
Eruantion Doriath
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
2/22/2010 12:12:17 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 157

Amonost came back out ten minutes later with a crumpled up old magazine folded over in front of him. He was reading it as he walked back towards the rag-tag chair next to the TV.

     "How on earth did you remember an article about that, in a magazine that old?" Eruantion said, looking at the magazine in Amonosts hands, as he sat back down.

     "Well, I remembered thinking that this guy needed to lay off the crack pipe. I read the article two or three times, trying to follow what this guy was going on about. In the first half, he remarks about his scientific research and then lists a whole bunch of mathematical equasions that are just way over my waste of time."

     "You read that when you're on the toilet. I would think you could spare some time to waste." Eruantion said, smirking.

     "Yeah, well... there's too much paperwork to do when you're in the bathroom. Not enough time to get all wrapped up in the finer details of higher science. You would agree, if you saw these stupid things. Anyway, in the latter half he goes on to talk about where these 'portals into wormholes' could be. He's apparently tried to find them a couple times, but claimed his calculations must have been off. Big surprise, huh?" Amonost said, looking up with a big dumb grin on his face. "Am I right?"

     "Well, what else does he say?" Eruantion asked, leaning forward a little bit more.

     "Well, he says that he thinks that he might be able to figure out the locations of these wormholes with just a couple more months of research, and that he hopes to do another short term expedition to these locations to see what he can find." Amonost said, closing the magazine and tossing it to Eruantion.

Eruantion picked it up and flipped through. It wasn't easy to miss the article, as "Dr. Tao Deesle" was in large print across the top with "Mad Man or Savior?" right below it. Eruantion flipped it closed and looked at the front cover.
     "What the heck is this?" he said, reading "Transportal Mahem Monthly".

     "Oh, just something I found at the space station, in one of the stalls. It looked interesting, so I grabbed it." Amonost replied.

Eruantion just shook his head, opened it back up to the article, and tried not to think about where the magazine had been.
The Many
All of Us
Dominion Master
2/22/2010 1:11:52 AM

Level: 802
Experience: 2147483647

Total Posts: 19

Dr. Tao Deesle

Mad Man or Savior?

Today we sit down with Dr. Tao Deesle, whom claims to have discovered the secrets of time travel. Many claim him to be mad, some say he is a savior. We'll let you decide, as we talk to him about his past, present, and future.

We caught up with Tao over coffee, down in the middle-west district. He was enjoying his morning paper with ham, eggs, and a side of toast (which he claims stimulates the thinking cells!). Though he was a little taken aback by our upfront approach, he quickly warmed up to us and started talking like we were old friends.

After small chit-chat, I got down to business. We first talked about his early childhood, in which the famed Dr. Tao Deesle told me about the rough life he'd had in the lower levels. No, it wasn't all microscopes and calculations for this once small ruffian. In fact, he claims that his first job he ever had, was distracting unsuspecting food market dealers, so his older brother could steal food for their family to live on.

Not the brightest start for such a bright mind, but his fortune soon changed. When he was nine, he was caught stealing, and taken to a facility for juvenile delinquents. It was here that his abundant need for knowledge and science was first discovered. He was quickly enrolled in school, paid for by The Office of Vansidian Enrollment. He soon rose to the top of his class, and eventually graduated with top honors.

Fast foward to his early twenties, and that's where it gets really interesting.
     "Yes, it was roughly around my twenty-second birthday when I discovered my first breakthrough in neuro-conducting cybernetics. It just sort of came to me over lunch one day. It was just a simple matter of--

--Fancy words, graphs, charts, and figures--

--and then, I had it. It was quite something, if I do say so myself. One of my more prouder moments, really."

After getting quite an earfull about everything I never really wanted to know about cybernetics, we moved on to what he was doing now. Which this is where the controvercy of his work really starts to shine through. In fact, it was so debated and even looked down upon that three magazines refused to do interviews with him before we searched him out. Yes people, we're talking about time travel.

     "The interesting thing about time travel, is how dead set against it everyone seems to be." Tao says sipping over his cup of coffee, his large glasses making him look oddly bug like. "It's not like it's really that far of a stretch of the imagination, much less scientifically. Think of all the wonderous things around the universe that we have just happened to bump into in the past couple hundred years? Four hundred years ago, you would have been burned at the stake for suggesting flying in the heavens. Now, we do it easier than tying our shoes."

There of course is the argument that space travel was a technological advance, instead of a universal hiccup advancement. Dr. Tao claims they are one in the same. Universal hiccup leading to evolution leading to technology. So he's still holding out for his time travel.

     "I haven't given up yet. My calculations on where the wormholes should be have not proven themselves yet, but I have no doubt that one day I will find them. They are out there, I just have to figure out where to look. I figure in a couple months I should be ready to take another trip into space, to prove my calculations."

So there you have it folks. The famous Tao Deesle speaks out about his history, and where he's headed in the future. He could change the course of history, or either go down IN history as the universe's most notorious nut case.

Eruantion Doriath
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
2/22/2010 11:56:09 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 157
Mission Impossible

Around noon the next day the phone rang, waking up the two brothers. Nienna had already been awake for several hours, reading and doing other things around the house.

Amonost got to the phone first, grunting a 'hello' into the reciever. He sighed and tossed the phone at Eruantion, almost hitting him in the head. Eruantion caught it, and glared at Amonost, who hardly noticed.

     "Hello, this is Eru." Eruantion said into the reciever, already knowing who it was likely to be.
     "Hello Eruantion, this is Captain Pierce. Well, I have some good and bad news. Which would you like first?" the officer on the other end of the phone asked.

     "Well, I guess give me the bad news first." Eruantion said, leaning against a door frame, and looking at Nienna. She put down her book and looked at him, expecting to see some sign of information in any looks he gave her.

     "Well, the bad news is that we're almost positive that the Dr. didn't do it, meaning we still don't know who did." he paused for a second, "However, we were just going over some of the items found at your place that night, and we found something else that might help us. It's a docking pass to a ship at a local starport." the officer finished.

Eruantion stood there for a minute, trying to seperate all the facts out in his tired mind.
     "I know it's probably not normal, but would you mind my brother and I looking further into this? We're pretty experienced with dealing with stuff like this, and if you don't mind I would like to keep a personal eye on how all this is going." He cringed, hoping he hadn't been too forward with his request.

Eruantion heard the officer on the end get up out of his chair and close his office door.
     "Actually, I was rather hoping you would ask to be more involved. I know all about your and your brother, and the experience that you have with certain delecate situations. Now, as you might guess... my hands are tied here alot, and things slip through the cracks so often. We've probably already missed our chance on catching this guy." he stalled for a moment, Eruantion heard the door open, some words exchange, and then the door close again. "Sorry about that. Anyway, as I was saying... I might be able to meet you somewhere and give you some information on where to start your search." he waited for a reply.

Eruantion was surprised with the response, and agreed to meet Captain Pierce at a park that evening to get some copies of case files and interviews reguarding the investigation.
Eruantion Doriath
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
2/23/2010 12:18:59 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 157
Take Back the City

That night Amonost, Eruantion, and Nienna went down to the local park at the time and place they had agreed to meet. Nienna stayed in the van while Amonost and Eruantion went over to talk to the Captain.

     "Now, don't let anyone know that I gave those to you. It would probably mean my job if anyone found out. However, I know that if we keep it in house, nothing will ever come of it. So, good luck with everything. I hope you catch him." getting off the bench and shaking their hands.

Eru looked over the paperwork for a couple minutes, while Amonost kept an eye out for anything fishy going on. After a couple minutes, he closed the folder and tucked it under his arm.
     "Well, how do you feel about a late night trip to the starport?" he said with a sly smile. "Lets see if we can figure out who my uninvited guest was."

They climbed back in the van. Nienna had the heat turned on, and she was laying on the couch in the back.
     "Well, did you find out anything useful?" she asked when they got in the van.
     "Enough." Eruantion replied as Amonost cranked the van and put it in drive. It lurched forward violently once or twice before it he got it to move smoothly forward.

They told Nienna about what they were planning on doing, and talked her into going to a friend's house for the night, as they weren't sure how late they were going to be.
It took them about half an hour to finally get to the spaceport, once they dropped her off. They parked on the outskirts of the parking lot, and walked the long distance to the spaceport hub.

     "Ready for this?" Eruantion said, taking a quick look at map outside the door for the hangar number the space craft was supposed to be in.
     "Of course." Amonost replied, and opened the front door, strolling in like he owned the place.
Eruantion Doriath
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
2/26/2010 9:19:15 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 157
Is There Anybody In There?

Eruantion was still looking at the map by the time he realized Amonost was already halfway inside. He sighed and joined him on the other side of the glass doors.
The lights were fairly dim in the hallway. There was a deep bass and red light coming from down the hall on the left side where the night club was located. Amonost looked like he longed to go down and take a look, but he stayed where he was.

     "Alright, which way is the hangar located?" Amonost asked, hoping it was in the direction of the club. Eruantion could tell that's what he was hoping, and just shook his head.
     "No, Romeo. It's in the other direction." he said, tilting his head back over his shoulder, insinuating that they should start walking in that direction.
     "Slaggit all." Amonost said, putting his hands in his pockets and kicking an imaginary stone.

They wandered down the hall a ways, passing several beings out for late evening strolls. There was even a suspicious looking Valsar muttering in a corner. Amonost and Eruantion gave him a wide berth as they walked by.

Two doors down from the Valsar, Eruantion stopped and looked up at the number above the doorway.
     "Looks like this is it." he paused, looked around for anyone showing any undue intrest in them, and then pulled out his USP. He nodded and Amonost pulled out his Lern.
     "Well, here goes nothing." he mumbled, pushed the button to open the door and stepped into the darkness on the other side.
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
2/26/2010 9:54:18 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 19
RE: Is There Anybody In There?

   It took Amonost a few seconds of feeling around the wall for a light switch to realize there was none, because the motion sensing lights came on. Fluorescent light banks flickered and buzzed for a few seconds before kicking on fully.

   Sitting in the center of the docking bay was a rather odd-looking ship. It was a large disc, with curved, blade-like wings that looked like they were probably retractable protruding from two of the sides. Thrust nozzles protruded from the disc's edges at regular intervals.

   Judging from the size of it, it would probably only hold a few people, and not comfortably at that.

   Eruantion started to walk curiously toward the small hatch at the front. Amonost stared at it from near the door, and then at Eruantion.

   "You gonna look inside?" Amonost asked, sounding almost concerned.
   "Planning on it." Eruantion replied, looking back at his brother.
   "I was just thinking... the cop we talked to said they found the docking pass at your place... at the scene of the crime, right?" Amonost asked.
   "Yeah," Eru confirmed.
   "Well, the killer left a clue in the writing on the wall," Amonost continued, "I'm just thinking this could have been left on purpose."

   They both stared at the ship for a moment. Eruantion understood that his brother was getting at it being a trap, or something more sinister.

   "Well, in that case," Eruantion said with a sly smile, "You come over here and go in with me."

   Amonost's first mental response was "Frag you, guy!" but then he considered the fact that they hadn't been exactly covert in here so far, and no psycho had come flying out of the ship in a whirlwind of blades yet, so it was probably fine. He shrugged and walked over to the ship. Eruantion squeezed through the small hatch first, and Amonost followed him in after checking behind them quickly.
Eruantion Doriath
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
2/26/2010 11:19:09 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 157
Sound of Silence

     Eruantion kept his head lowered as he walked around the small cabin. There were three seats in the middle of the cockpit with their heads all pointed in towards the middle. Amonost kept an eye towards the way they came in, covering Eruantion while he prodded around for any information that might have been left behind.

     "See anything?" Amonost asked while he stuck his head out the door, checking the hangar again.
     "No, I don't see a daggum thing. Not even a hair or fiber. No datapads, no dogtags, no tissues. Not a thing. It's spotless." he sighed, and sat down on the edge of one of the seats.
     "Well, maybe we could set up outside with that Valsar and wait for someone to come by? Keep an eye on the place for a couple hours till someone comes back?" Amonost suggested.
     "With how clean it is, and how long it's been here, I doubt anyone is coming back to claim it. They have to know it's being watched by someone." Eruantion stood up again and walked towards Amonost. "Let's just get out of here."

     They walked back out of the hangar, the light turned off behind them. The Valsar was still down the hall just a little way, muttering under his breath. His three eyes looked like they would be rolling in his head, if they had sockets in his skull. Again, they gave him a wide berth as they walked by.

     "Well, looks like this trip was a waste of time. I can't believe there wasn't a single piece of anything in that entire ship." Eruantion was still frustrated.
     "At least that we could see. It's possible there was some DNA left around, but I even doubt that." he paused, "It doesn't have to be a total waste of time. We could go down to the club and ask around. Maybe someone has seen something." he suggested. His eyebrows were raised, and he wasn't even attempting to conseal his excitement at the prospect.
     "Well, better than nothing." Eruantion agreed, and they headed for the deep rhythmic bass that was floating down the hall.
Eruantion Doriath
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
2/27/2010 1:57:19 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 157
Silence is Golden

     Amonost walked in first, leaving Eruantion tagging behind him. The beat of the bass was almost unbearably loud. The room was sparcely populated, the patrons gathered around the couple of dancers. One of the dancers was human, the other was some type of humanoid that Eruantion couldn't make out in the dim red lighting.

     Amonost walked up to the bar and took a stool, spun it around backwards and sat down facing the bar. Eruantion shook his head at his brother's easiness at the bar, and sat down next to him. It took a minute for the bartender to come over, as he was in a deep conversation with another man at the end of the bar.

     "Whadja havin'?" he shouted out over the bass. Eruantion could only barely make out what he had said. Amonost signed something that Eruantion couldn't follow. The bartender nodded and turned to Eruantion. Not knowing what to do, Eruantion just put his hand up and shook his head. He hoped the bartender would understand. He nodded, and Amonost smirked at him.
     "What?" Eruantion questioned him.
     "You need to get out more." Amonost shouted back at him.

     A minute later the bartender brought back over Amonost's drink. Amonost paid for it, then slid off the chair and went over to a booth near the human dancer.
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