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Daireem - Space
Tom Fender
Member of SG&C
Wandered the world like Caine from Kung-Fu and got into adventures

Dominion Master
10/19/2006 8:37:21 PM

Level: 18
Experience: 26800

Total Posts: 95

An MC-41B capital ship speeds through space. This ship is different from most in that it does not have an identification number and it has, in large bold text, "SG&C" printed on the side. Nothing like advertising.

Tom steps into the bridge, yawning.

Chris: Morning, Tom.
Tom: Morning, Chris. Glad we've always had this capital ship and always did missions in space.
Chris: Me too. Corn substitute flakes?

Chris offers Tom the box. He accepts and turns it upside down onto a nearby counter. He finds a bowl under someone's seat and scrapes the food off the edge of the counter into it. He eats it dry with his hands for a while but stumbles across half a glass of milk and a spoon in a drawer. He uses those to finish it off.

Tom: Where we headed?
Chris: The Reia Bonu System.
Tom: Why for?
Chris: 'Cause I like the na---ame.
Tom: Right. Where's everybody else?
Chris: Either somewhere else or dead.
Tom: 'Kay. Thanks. See ya 'round.

Tom exits, stage left. Chris gives a half-hearted wave.

Chris: See ya...

A light blinks on a console in front of Chris. He presses a button and a window appears on one of the monitors. A poor-quality video appears of a scruffy-looking man.

Man: Chris Storms.
Chris: Tey-Xu. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?
Tey-Xu: Nothing. We're here for vengeance. Just a little heads up.
Chris: All right. Thanks for the warning.

The transmission is cut. Chris hits the "HIGH ALERT" button. Warning lights and sirens activate. He holds down another button and speaks into a microphone.

Chris: Attention, all personnel, we're being attacked by Clan Xu. Prepare to fight. I'm gonna have some doughnuts.

Chris grabs a Kremey-Krisp® glazed doughnut, shoves it into his mouth, and prepares the cloak disruptor so they can see the enemy.

In mere seconds, an EE1 capital ship appears in the midst of the void. Small fighters can be seen exiting its various hangar bays. Cruise missiles are already on-course for SG&C's ship. As they approach, they are shot down by the ship's automated missile defense system. The small fighters are able to out-maneuver the system however.

Jango bursts onto deck and dives for a console. He begins preparations for hyperspace.

Jango: Uhh...


Chris: "Uhh..." what?
Jango: They're jamming our ability to enter hyperspace... or something.
Chris: ... "Or something"?
Jango: I don't know. We can't go into hyperspace.
Chris: Well, move us as fast as you can.
Jango: I already am.

The transmission signal light begins flashing. Chris presses a button to block it. A minute later, it flashes again. He blocks it again.

It flashes again. Chris lets out an exasperated sigh and finally answers. Tey-Xu appears on a monitor with a smug look on his face.

Chris: What?
Tey-Xu: Running away?
Chris: Yes.

He hangs up.

The light flashes again. Chris shoots it with a Desert Eagle he found lying under a pile of scribbled-on papers.

Chris: That guy is so annoying.

Jake and John appear in the doorway of the bridge.

Jake: Chris, we can use the Space Wolf to go plant some nukes on the ship.
Jango (in the background): "Sky Wolf"!
Chris: Nukes aren't cheap, man. We can just run away.

Jake leaves. John enters and sits down. He sees one of the attacking dog fighters fly by a viewport. He smiles and waves. The pilot somehow sees this, and it only serves to fuel his undying rage toward SG&C. He becomes reckless and obliterates his ship in an anti-climactic puff of smoke on the hull of SG&C's ship.

Megan now appears in the doorway of the bridge in her pajamas. She lets out a loud, long yawn.

Megan: What's going on?
Chris: Not much. How about with you?
Megan: I just woke up because I heard what sounded like something smashing the hull.
Chris: Sorry.

She sits down and grabs the box of corn substitute flakes. She positions it in a manner that, if it still contained consumable materials, would make a mess of the console in which it is positioned above, but it contains nothing but an empty plastic bag. She throws it into a corner in disgust and stomps off to find something to eat.

Jango: Uhm... Whatever's disrupting our hyperdrive seems to be wearing off. It's still not quite functional, but it seems to be responding... sort of. It's crashing a lot.

The transmission light flickers and sparks. Chris puts another .50 caliber round into it. It is gone for good.

Jango: The hyperdrive is reset and it's responding fully.
Chris: Then--

The hyperdrive shielding covers all the viewports as the ship tears through reality.

Chris: --go. Okay, you did.
Jango: Now I have to fix the communications signal thingy here...

He glares at Chris who just shrugs and leaves the bridge.
Tom Fender
Member of SG&C
Wandered the world like Caine from Kung-Fu and got into adventures

Dominion Master
11/30/2006 12:12:58 AM

Level: 18
Experience: 26800

Total Posts: 95
RE: Cruising

Hours later, their ship is heaved from hyperspace near some random planet. Jango puts the finishing touches on the communications signal thingy and rolls his chair over to another console. He checks a computer for the planet name. It just returns "Unknown -- No identification beacon found." Jango finds it somewhat odd but figures it's just a planet that decided it didn't want just anybody to know what it is. And he literally meant the planet itself decided that. All on its own.

Chris bursts through the door and onto the bridge, startling Jango quite right. Several suction-cup-tipped foam darts fly through the doorway before Chris can close it. More darts can be heard impacting the other side. He has a Narf® gun in one hand.

Jango: The fruit...?

Chris just gives Jango a quick glance. He opens the door slightly and fires a shot before closing it. More dart impact thuds occur.

A ceiling panel falls to the floor with a loud clatter, and John slides down a rope upside down, firing. A dart catches Chris square in the forehead. He fakes his death dramatically. Jango almost felt like giving him an award.

John lowers his gun and regards the planet outside looming ever so close.

John: What is it?
Jango: I don't know. We're not picking up any identification beacons.

Chris stands up and walks over to the two.

Chris: Uh oh. We're going down there, right?

The door to the bridge swings open, and about fifty darts and foam balls fly through, all finding their marks on Chris's back. He turns quickly, firing. He lands a lucky shot right between Tom's eyes.

Jake lowers his Narf® weapon.

Jake: What planet's that?
Jango: I don't know, Margo.

Jake starts to ask the stupid question: "Who's Margo?" but he's cut off by someone else.

Megan: We're going down there, right?
Jango: That's probably not--
John: Of course.
Chris: Gear up, people. We're gonna go check out the phantom planet!
Jango: We're dead.
Jake: Let's ROCK...!
All but Jango: And RIDE!!!
Jango (same time): And ride... Disapproving

All (but Jango) rush enthusiastically to one of the well-equipped armories to gear up. Jango begrudgingly takes the ship down into the atmosphere of the planet and crashes.

No, I'm kidding.

They don't crash.

Megan is zipping up her loaded tactical vest.

Megan: This is dumb... We shouldn't do this.
John: C'mon, Megan. Zombie hunting is fun.

Megan sighs and rolls her face.

Yes, she rolled her face and not her eyes just to make use of that 4000 tape alien surgery she had way back when they first were always doing missions in space and had that ship.

Chris: Me too.

Jake grabs a short-barreled M3 shotgun that was sitting there. He has no idea whose it is or where it could've come from, but he slings it on his back regardless. He dumps 12 gauge 00 buckshot liberally into an ammo pouch and loads up the shotgun's side saddle.

Jake: Jawsome.

He ensures it is set to semi-automatic because he doesn't want this to seem like a typical movie in which a character toting a dual mode shotgun only uses it in pump mode.


They finish Christmas shopping and exit the armory to return to the bridge.

Tom points out the viewport.

Tom: There's a city!
Jango: Yes, I see the huge city that extends to the horizon.
Tom: ...!
John: Maybe there are zombies.
Chris: Huh-huh. Yeah. Sweeeeet.
Jake (commanding): Take us down, Mr. Borkbork.

The enormous ship hovers ominously above the city. SG&C sans Jango enter the teleporter and beam down to the surface.

Tom: I get the odd feeling I should have brought a chainsaw.

Hearing the word "chainsaw" and inferring from the previous statement that one was not brought, a human of rotting flesh and tattered clothing leaps from a garbage dumpster in a nearby alley and runs toward the team with frightening speed all the while summoning others of its kind. Chris turns to it, completely unsurprised, and fires his AR15 one-handed at its face. The SS109 5.56mm 62 grain full-metal jacketed projectile with steel penetrator exits the 14.5" barrel at the muzzle with amazing speed. Having broken the sound barrier, it makes a deafening snap sound as it travels briskly, and spinning wildly, toward its target. Shortly thereafter, striking the sub-human's frontal bone with 1,160 foot pounds of energy, it penetrates the surface, shedding its steel jacket, and begins fragmenting. All this at 2,900 feet per second causes the rotten head to rupture. It is not a pretty sight.

John: Hey, I was right. Zombies. Sweeet.

The now-headless zombie falls to the ground motionless.

Tom: Ya suppose these are the undead or just viral zombie types?
Chris: I don't know. Let's wait around and see.

They do.

About ten minutes pass and the body does not move.

Jake: I guess it's safe to say it's a virus.

Maybe not. Because it's a butthole, it was waiting for them to give up, so the body's fingers begin clawing at the dirt, slowly at first. It starts to lift itself off the ground.

Tom (mock fear): Oh my DIIIRRRRTTTTT!!!!!
John: I guess we're on the harder difficulty.

Chris fires a burst into the body. It flops back to the ground and remains still.

Moans can be heard increasing in volume. That generally means, in this case anyway, the source of the sounds are moving nearer to the listener(s).

Chris: Uhh... Guess we should've brought suppressors.

Hordes of zombies crawl out of every space conceivable.

John: ... And more ammo.
Tom: Y'know... This is generally where the movie ends.
John: Yeah.


John: When they don't have a space ship onto which to beam. Beam us up, Shorty.
Jake: "Onto which to beam"... what?

As if this was a story in which the heroes have a terrible streak of bad luck until the very end, Jango reports as follows.

Jango: The teleporter isn't working.
Tom: Well, there's only one thing to do.

Tom grabs an M67 fragmentation grenade from a pouch on his belt and arms it.

Tom: Swallow grenades whole.

The rest of the team look at him in shock, but this should really come as no surprise.

Jake grabs the bad squirrel and hurls it toward a group of zombies. Seconds later, it explodes, sending searing metal shards and a lovely shockwave into the rotten zombies.

Megan: "C'mon, Megan. Zombie hunting is fun."
John: Jango, you're kidding about the teleporter, right?

Unfortunately for our heroes, it seems the stench of the zombies interferes with radio transmissions.

Chris: Gentlemen, welcome to generic horror film.
John: However, we have guns and know how to use them.
Chris: Oh, yeah. That's right.

Chris launches a highly explosive grenade from his 12" Colt M203 40mm grenade launcher into another group of zombies, wiping them out quickly. He then reloads it.

Jake: We need some high ground.
John: No kidding.
Jake: This way.

Jake leads the team into an alley toward a fire escape. They proceed to scale it. They reach the top and see a zombie walking in circles on the roof; it spots them and charges. Tom drops it with a 7.62mm round into its head from his FAL. Chris kicks the body over the edge while the others begin to dismantle the fire escape to prevent further zombie visitation.

Megan: This is fun.
John: I know. That's why I brought chairs.

He begins to unfold lawn chairs he somehow has.

Megan: Blink
John Gibson
2nd In Command of SG&C
Out of Work, Apparently

Dominion Master
4/10/2007 4:26:56 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 39
RE: Cruising

John's SPR is propped up on the railing of the building while he reclines. Tom is outfitting it with a laser sight.

Jake: ...What are you doing?
Tom: Putting a laser sight on John's SPR.

Jake does not appear amused.

Jake: Why?
Tom: It'll be fun.
Jake: What'll be fun?
Tom: You'll see. You can join in. Okay, it's on. Go down.

John points the rifle slightly downwards.

Tom: Just a little bit back up and to the left.

John moves the muzzle up and to the left.

Tom: Good, fire.


Tom: Dang, missed.

He adjusts the laser.

Tom: Down... down down... right... fire.

BOOM. A zombie's head explodes.

Tom: Awesome.

John Gibson
2nd In Command of SG&C
Out of Work, Apparently

Dominion Master
7/5/2007 12:55:26 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 39
RE: Cruising

Megan sighs loudly.

Megan: Do you have that FREAKING teleporter working yet?
Jango: ... What? Was I supposed to be working on it?
John: Jango... Megan's losing it. You should probably work on the teleporter.
Jango: Fine...
Tom: Fire.

John pulls the trigger. Jake is holding binoculars.

Jake: Hit.
Tom: Left. Left. Stop. A hair right. Up. Fire.
Jake: Hit.

John pops the Magpul PMAG, letting it fall to the floor.

John: Josh, magazine.

Everybody looks at him. When he doesn't feel anything in his hand, he looks over both shoulder and notices everybody is staring at him.

John: Where's Josh?
Megan: There's no Josh...
John: What?! No, you--

He deliberately stops himself, relishing in the fact that he just unintentionally said "no u." He smiles. Chris has just finished the Smooth Criminal lean.

Chris: What are you on, John?
John: You people can't tell me there was never a Josh. We've worked with him for like ten years! He's always carried all our ammo. SLAG RYLOCKS.

John flips out of the lawn chair, slapping a fresh PMAG into the SPR's well in slow motion. A dramatic camera angle follows--he raises the SPR to his shoulder, the slow motion giving it a sense of weight. He fires right over Chris's shoulder, the shockwave rippling Chris's flesh. A rylock explodes in a slow motion burst of grape jelly. Blarrrgh!

Jango: The teleporter's fixed--
Jake: Thank God!

They are all instantly engulfed in a white foom! and are aboard that ship they've always had.

John: I was just joking about that Josh guy.
John Gibson
2nd In Command of SG&C
Out of Work, Apparently

Dominion Master
9/8/2007 12:29:53 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 39
RE: Cruising

Suddenly all of them are again engulfed in white light and appear on the same rooftop.

Jango is with them.

Jake: Jaaaaannnngoooooooooooo...
Jango: I didn't do anything!

A Hitachi EH5000 dump truck lands in a street, barely fitting between the buildings, and crushing hundreds of zombies.

Jake: You teleported the Battle Dumper?!
Jango: I told you, I didn't do anything!
John: G-guys. Look. They're climbing on the Battle Dumper. They're reaching the rooftops.
Jango: If we make it back, I'm upgrading the teleporter's processor.

He looks enraged.

Jango: It's a 1.4GHz Celeron, if you had FORGOTTEN.

He pauses. His teeth can be heard gritting.

Jango: I hit the button twice because it wasn't doing anything.

Everybody else is also visibly enraged, but not at Jango. What kind of idiot sells a teleporter with a 1.4GHz processor?

Tom: Alright, guys! Let's do this!

Everybody enters a wedge formation.


They swing their arms around in a choreographed motion, and when they are finished, they are holding firearms out from their bodies. Plumes of colored smoke erupt behind each of them. A stock footage scene ensues.

Jango: Kimber M1911!
Megan: Beretta M92F!
Tom: Heckler & Koch MK23 with Knight's Armaments OHC sound suppressor!
Jake: IMI Desert Eagle!
John: Fabrique Nationale Five-Seven!

Stock footage plays of the entire group flipping over the camera in different directions.

The camera zooms out from them sort of side-stepping around in the bed of the Battle Dumper. They begin kicking and shooting zombies out of it. Tom is making his way to the cockpit.

John: Ha ha! The morphing scene gets 'em every time!

The truck ROARS as Tom starts the engine. It then lurches forward. The zombies hanging off of the side of the truck are knocked off by the sudden motion.

Tom's victorious screams of zombie slaughter can be heard all the way in the back.
Tom Fender
Member of SG&C
Wandered the world like Caine from Kung-Fu and got into adventures

Dominion Master
2/13/2008 12:37:40 AM

Level: 18
Experience: 26800

Total Posts: 95
RE: Cruising

A man watches in disgust a monitor that is displaying a live satellite video of the streets that SG&C are clearing out with their overgrown dump truck. They are mowing zombies down by the hundreds.

Man: This is ridiculous.
Other Man: This is bad. I'm calling the office.

The other man dials a few numbers on a phone and puts the receiver to his head. After a moment, someone answers.

Other Man: Yeah, this is seven. We've been discovered.

He hears gun fire over the phone.

Other Man: What is that? What's happening?

He hears the various noises of someone handling the other phone handset.

Other Voice: Hey, who the heck is this?

Other Man hangs up promptly.

Man: What's going on?
Other Man: I don't know. I heard gun fire. I think the operation has been compromised.


After a moment of silence, Sam slams the phone back down on the cradle.

Sam: Let's see if we can find out who he was just talking to.
Alex: How do you suppose we go about doing that?

Gral picks the man who was on the phone up off the ground. He has been shot in the right calf.

Gral: Who were you talking to?

All the man is doing is making sucking noises and rolling his eyes rapidly. Gral growls, punches him, and throws him at a wall.

Sam is seated at a computer. He is clicking through the user interface rapidly.

Sam: I may have found something...

He attempts to access a mapped network drive, but it prompts him for a user name and password. The user name is already filled out with "jstevenson" but the password is not.

Sam: Uhh...
Alex: You can just hack it, right?
Sam: Pfft... What do you think this is--a Hollywood movie? I haven't the foggiest idea where to begin digging up a password. And it would be a hash of a password too if I somehow did manage to find where it's stored.
Alex: Meaning...?
Sam: Meaning it's virtually impossible to "decrypt" on top of being virtually impossible to find.

Alex stares blankly at Sam.

Sam: Forget it.

Valerie looks up, holding a piece of paper.

Valerie: I found something.

Everyone comes over to peek over her shoulder.

Valerie: It's a list of locations across several planets. One has been checked.



Tom powerslides the Battle Dumper across the street and clear through another building.

John: Does this remind you of a video game?
Chris: Not at all.

Chris takes a shot at a random zombie.

Megan notices Jango huddled in a corner of the dump body.

Megan: What's the matter, Jango?
Jango: Ugh..... Car sick... Dizzy

The enormous vehicle rocks once more as Tom sends it careening through another building.

They are suddenly engulfed in a bright flash of light and appear in the hangar bay of their ship they've always had.


The dump truck is sliding toward the docked Sky Wolf.


Tom madly turns the wheel and applies the brakes in an appropriate fashion in an attempt to gain traction and halt all movement.

He does so with only inches left between the truck and the Sky Wolf.

Jake and Jango pass out.

Chris: Woo!

Chris climbs down out of the back, soon followed by the rest. Tom removes himself from the cab and meets them on the floor.

John: That was exhilarating.

Jake, breathing heavily, gets in Tom's proverbial "grill".

Jake: Thomas S. Fender, get this monstrosity THE HECK away from my Sky Wolf!!

Tom shrugs.

Tom: Sure.

He twirls the keys around his finger and then proceeds back up the ladder to the cab. It starts up, filling the hangar with the roar of its Detroit Diesel engine. Tom parks it in its usual spot and climbs out again.

Tom: So, Jango, you got the teleporter working again?
Jango: Blink I didn't do anything. It just brought us back. I guess we should be thankful it didn't teleport us into a mountain or something.

Tom's eyes become cold and distant. He falls backward onto the the floor.

Everybody else exits the hangar.

Chris, John, and Jango enter the bridge. Jango sits down at a console that hasn't already been shot, mangled, or otherwise disabled.

Jango: Curious.
Chris: Well, that's curious.
John: What?
Chris: Jango just curiously said "curious".
John: That is curious.
Jango: Looks like there's a small space station orbitting the planet. It's just now coming around to our side. There's also a small satellite.
Chris: Oh, sweet. We should make sure the power is out aboard the space station (leaving only eerie, red lights, of course) and board it, hoping there are space monsters, zombies, or zombie space monsters.
John: I'll pass.
Jango: I'm going to hail it.
John: Just say "call". "I'm going to call it."

Jango ignores John's diatribe and attempts to make contact with the space station.

Jango: This is SG&C. Is anyone there? Do you need help?


Man: Sir, we're being hailed.
Other Man: By who?
Man: He has identified himself as "SG&C".
Other Man: That's the famous mercenary company.
Man: Yeah, no kidding. Uh—sir.

There is a moment of silence.

Man: Sir, should I respond?
Other Man: Yes. We don't need them snooping around here. Tell them we are researchers observing the planet's peculiar inhabitants.


Jango: And you have no idea what caused it?
Man: Negative.
Jango: Okay... Well, uh... have fun. We'll be seeing you. Out.


Man: Shew... They seem to be taking no further action.
Other Man: Good. Now we need to figure out what's going on with command...
Tom Fender
Member of SG&C
Wandered the world like Caine from Kung-Fu and got into adventures

Dominion Master
3/13/2008 9:16:52 PM

Level: 18
Experience: 26800

Total Posts: 95
RE: Cruising

Jango leans back, carefully, against a console and interlaces his fingers behind his head. The console begins making a sizzling noise and then blasts sparks across the room. This serves to make Jango nearly soil himself and fall onto the floor.

He stands back up and peers around to make sure nobody was watching.

He resumes his position on another, less-damaged console.

Tom Fender comes stomping onto the bridge.

Tom: 'Sup, Jango. Listen, buddy, I think we should go bar hopping on Perrenor.
Jango: Do we even have any ammo left?
Tom: Of course. What do you think we are? A not-ammo-and-weapons cache?

Jango begins to say something for some reason, but is headed off by Tom.

Tom: Come on man, I'm bored.
Jango: You just got back from running over like eighty bazillion zombies. Aren't you tired?

He then passes out on the floor, making sure to bounce his coconut off a couple of consoles on the way down.

Jango fights a chill and tries not to show how disturbed he is.

Elsewhere aboard the ship, Chris, John, Jake, and Megan are playing Halo 3.

Jake: This game is over-rated.
Chris: Shut up!

Chris fragged Jake with an energy sword.

Jake: Sad

Tom, duel-wielding lumps on his head, bursts upon the scene.

Tom: Guys. Contract.
John: Thomas. Listen to me. Read my lips.
Tom: OK.
John: We. Are. Rich. We did that mission a long time ago and the guy paid us, like, everything. Or $Texas. We don't need to work any more.
Tom: That's sweet. Some bunch of people on Perrenor want to hire some mercs to help defend their neighborhood because--get this--some gang is going to attack it to make it their territory.
John: Exciting.

John's sheer lack of emotion is staggering. He mows down the others with a minigun he just ripped off a tripod.

Tom: Apparently a bunch of people who lived in the same neighborhood decided to take it back from the gangs and actually fought back, but they're expecting the gang to retaliate and so they want help.
John: Tom, they can't afford to pay us.
Tom: ?
John: It's Perrenor. They have nothing.
Tom: Well, the way I read it, we get to keep all the bling and money the gang has. Sounds good to me.

John sighs heavily. Chris', Jake's, and Megan's eyes have long since glazed over.


The ship exits hyperspace near Perrenor and enters orbit around it.

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