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Daireem - Your Attention Please
Hey Claudius...
You killed my father.
Big mistake.

Dominion Master
12/13/2006 1:23:19 PM

Level: 25
Experience: 65000

Total Posts: 691
Welcome to Daireem! - A word from the creator.

Welcome to Daireem, an open-ended sci-fi/futuristic and/or fantasy role playing message board. At the moment, we're very small, which is why most of the forums are empty. (Well, that can also be attributed to the fact that nobody scrolls past the Blizzard system because it's good enough.)

Regardless, I'm working toward gathering more users (through search engine optimization, so who knows if it'll work--if you guys could spread word of mouth in the mean time that would rock) and Daireem will hopefully soon have more members.


It's a thread of hope, but it's there.

In case you haven't read the front page, I'll copy the front page text here: (EDIT: This isn't on the front page anymore, so it's a good thing I copied it here.)

Welcome to Daireem, a futuristic message board and chat room-based sci-fi and fantasy role playing game. We strive for an easy-going atmosphere, which translates into very open-ended gaming. We usually don't have sticks up our butts.

We've worked to create an immersive sci-fi universe with in-depth back story and tons of unique environments, but don't feel like you need to be part of the "bigger picture"; a cargo hauler with no friends often experiences as much excitement as an infamous bounty hunter that's been playing since the beginning.

I've tried to join other role playing communities myself, and I felt like I didn't know what I was doing and that I wasn't welcome, because everybody else seemed to know each other and was somehow involved with the storyline. Moreover, the admins seemed to want to control everything just because they could. I was like that once--when I was nine. With Daireem, I wanted to create an open-ended environment that anybody could join in on and get involved quickly, and not get constantly harassed by the staff, so like I said before, don't be shy. If you don't know what to do, try posting something trivial and somebody else will most likely join you.

As you can see, I want people like me to feel comfortable and not get scared off by everybody else's activity. You should still ask before joining somebody's active RP, but if you're still worried about disrupting them, just make your own. You don't have to do anything ground breaking, just establish your character or something and somebody will most probably join in to help you along and whatnot. My first posts were definitely not very good, but it got me started on the roller coaster my thirty-two billion characters are on now.

If you have any questions or anything, just ask me in a private message. (Click my user name and click "send this user a private message" on the left side of the page.) I am not in any way busy--ever--and you won't be bothering me.
Daireem - Welcome to Daireem! - A word from the creator.
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None right now

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The Furry Trio Message Board™ copyright © 2001-Present Wolf McDog. All rights reserved.
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This site was created by Clint Blizzard and is not maintained very well by Wolf McDog.