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Alex Dean
Cargo Hauler
Dominion Master
2/19/2006 5:18:35 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 151
RE: A Traveller, a Cargo Hauler, and a Ship Dealer Walk Into a Bar

Alex calls Sam back.





Phone: This is Sam. I'm not available right now, so call the shop or leave a--

Alex hits the END button. Meanwhile, a rocket collides with one of the 556A's near its cockpit, undoubtedly killing the pilot. The ship begins slowly turning in odd directions and slams into the ground on its roof. Alex turns his ship around and sees the remaining two vessels and a plume of smoke.

Alex: Frak.

He switches S2S to a public channel. While talking his targets the 556A, which had begun moving away to fire on Sam.

Alex: Unidentified vessels, this is the green Spacehawk in front of you. Leave immediately or I will fire on you.

The 556A quickly turns toward him. Alex places a magnet into its front hovering engine. It switches back into flight mode so it doesn't flip itself into the ground without the forward stabilizing thruster. Alex fires again but misses it. This commotion has given Sam enough time to get back into the air. The unarmed L20 flees. As Alex turns to track the 556A, a few ion blasts hit him, but don't cause any extensive damage. Daniel yelps as the ship rocks slightly. Alex guns the engines to get away. Seconds later, one of Sam's missiles flies by toward the 556A. It hits the side of the ship hard, but doesn't detonate.

Sam: What the?

Sam opens up with his ion blasters. They dissipate inches from the ship's hull with a bright glow.

Sam: He's got shields. You need to hit him.
Alex: Wonderful!

Alex turns the ship as hard as he can--which isn't very hard, being a bulky cargo ship. He begins firing wildly at the fast-moving Coyote. One of the projectiles pierces the Coyote's canopy while another enters the engine. The ship angles downward and plows into the woods at full speed, the wing blowing off completely as it hits a tree. Alex breathes a sigh of relief.

Alex: Well, that was exhilarating. Figure our "midget" friend's gorillas sabotaged your ship?
Sam: Likely.
Alex: What were they doing with that dropship, though?
Sam: I don't know. Let's just get outta here before they come back.

They turn and head back for the dealership in Morganville.
Samuel Jorgenson
Ship Mechanic
Dominion Master
2/20/2006 1:27:16 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 88
RE: A Traveller, a Cargo Hauler, and a Ship Dealer Walk Into a Bar

After a short while of flying, they get back to the dealership. As usual, the agents are outside waiting. Sam and Alex land, dragging out Dan. One agent approaches Dan and puts his hand on his shoulder.


He and the agent vanish in a bright green light. The other agent nods at Sam and Alex and adjusts his earpiece.

MIB: Payment has been wired to your accounts.

This agent also vanishes in a bright green light.

Alex: Darn!
Sam: Eh?
Alex: I forgot to grab him again. I want to know where that light sends them.
Sam: Who knows.

Sam sighs and heads into his shop and plops down in a chair. He kicks back and relaxes with his feet on his bench. Alex leans against the wall.

Alex: Those guys sure are weird.
Sam: Sure are. But it's extra money, so I don't complain.

There's a very loud rumbling overheard. Sam and Alex rush out to see the same L20 approaching the shop.
Alex Dean
Cargo Hauler
Dominion Master
2/20/2006 1:47:26 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 151
RE: A Traveller, a Cargo Hauler, and a Ship Dealer Walk Into a Bar

Alex: What are they doing here with a freaking dropship?
Sam: Bringing Walkers?

The L20 lands and the giant doors open. Men with guns spread out. Lots of men.

Sam: Dave, Carl! Guns!

Sam pulls out his Satyr and Alex his corroded pulse rifle. Dave and Carl have armed themselves with a G3 and a C8. Leon pulls out his Glock.

Carl: Their mistake was leaving the dropship.

He turns and runs over to a ship he and Leon had been working on and gets inside.

Sam: CARL! We don't use customers' ships for--

Carl lifts off.

Sam: --COMBAT!

Sam slaps his forehead.

Sam: He's fired.

He cracks open the door and begins firing. A green flash of light appears behind Alex and he looks. Daniel has returned, looking rather beat up. Leon looks and his expression grows serious. Before Alex can react to Daniel's sudden reappearance, Leon has pounced on him. Alex leaves Leon to his devices and begins firing on the invaders.
Samuel Jorgenson
Ship Mechanic
Dominion Master
2/20/2006 2:02:07 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 88
RE: A Traveller, a Cargo Hauler, and a Ship Dealer Walk Into a Bar

After exchanging fire for some time, and escaping with only minor wounds, the men at Jorgenson had shot down the other men. However, the ship still lurked ominously above. Carl was doing circles around it, but couldn't shoot it down, or it would hit the shop. Sam turns around to see Leon roughing up Dan, and Dan was trying to fight him off, but failed. There's more rumbling as the L20 backed away from the dealership quickly. Carl opened fire, but the shots were dissipating on the L20s shield. The L20 was about half a mile away when it's cargo door opened, and a Falcon dropped out, crushing the building below it.

Sam: ..Uh oh.
Alex: Wow. This again?

Sam rushes to his ship and grabs his Striker, and loads a rocket into it. He heads out the door and aims up at the Falcon, which is starting it's boot sequence. The Strikers targeting computer locks onto the cockpit of the Falcon. Sam fires the rocket, but just as he fired it, the Falcon started up, and began moving towards the dealership, causing the rocket to hit the Falcon's right shoulder, taking out one of its autocannons and missile racks. Carl now diverted his attention to the Falcon as well.
Alex Dean
Cargo Hauler
Dominion Master
2/20/2006 4:56:15 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 151
RE: A Traveller, a Cargo Hauler, and a Ship Dealer Walk Into a Bar

Alex: I'm really getting tired of this.

The Falcon engages its jump jets and flies onto a small deli. The entire building collapses.

Alex: Oh, now that's just mean.

Alex boards his ship... whatever good he would do with it. He and Sam take to the air at the same time.

Alex: You need to build a bomb shelter. And, uhh, SAMs. Automated SAMs.
Sam: Right.

Sam mashes the trigger, launching dozens of ion blasts into the side of the Walker. Its torso turns and fires its autocannon at Sam. Sam veers off quickly, flying past the Falcon. Its top-mounted turret swivels around, tracking the Reaver. Sam takes it down between some of the larger buildings for cover.

Meanwhile, Alex comes at it head-on. He barely dodges a rocket and a green beam sears the hull. Carl fills the rocket pod with holes, disabling it.

Alex: Thanks!

Alex flies directly over the Walker and turns around.

Alex: Hit his top turret.

He hovers for a few seconds, having difficulty targeting it. He fires, but the projectile only embeds itself in the turret.

Alex: Dang, it's thick!

Sam swings around, gains altitude, and fires a missile at the turret. The missile goes low and hits near its right arm. The arm begins sparking. The Walker turns toward Carl and puts a beam through his left wing, blowing it off.


Carl turns as much as he can and attempts to return to the dealership. Realizing he's losing altitude too quickly, he slows down as much as possible and puts the ship into a fast food restaurant. Sam grits his teeth. Seeing the damage Sam's missile caused the Walker's arm, Alex opens up on it with his gauss gun.
Leon Mecheeto Brothers in Arms
2/21/2006 12:18:11 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 45
RE: A Traveller, a Cargo Hauler, and a Ship Dealer Walk Into a Bar

Leon watches the battle briefly. Figuring there's nothing he can do, he turns to Daniel for interrogation.

Leon: What do you know about Fate Mecheeto?
Daniel: Who?
Leon: You heard me.
Daniel: I don't know any "Fate Mecheeto."
Leon: Don't lie to me. I heard you at the cafe earlier, trying to hire Gral Myiro to eliminate her.

A chill runs up Daniel's spine, realizing Leon had apparently been watching and listening to their entire conversation.

Leon: Where is she? What documents does she have?
Daniel: I don't know!
Leon: Liar!

Leon twists Daniel's arm into a hammerlock, nearly popping it out of its socket. Daniel grunts.

Daniel: Okay, okay! Hrrk! I know where she is! But I don't--
Leon: WHERE?!
Daniel: She's been spotted on Meeriad.
Leon: Where on Meeriad?!
Daniel: She was last seen in some big city--Callice.
Leon: What about the documents? What does she have?
Daniel: I don't know! I swear! I just get enough information from my superior to carry out my duties.
Leon: Who is your "superior"?
Daniel: ... Lieutenant Colonel Charlie Riggs.

Leon squints.

Leon: Riggs.

Leon pushes Daniel's arm a little further.

Leon: Anything else you'd like to share?
Daniel: Ugh...! ...... That bounty hunter... I saw him again at a bar. He took the contract. He's already on his way to Meeriad.

Leon feels a slight bit of alarm, but doesn't show it.

Leon: Thank you for your cooperation.

Leon lets him go. Daniel begins rubbing his sore shoulder. Just then, the ground jolted. Leon looks out and sees the Falcon Walker hit the pavement, smoking and disabled.

Sam and Alex land back at the shop. Sam is grumbling about Carl wrecking his customer's ship.

Leon: Mr. Jorgenson, I need to get to Meeriad right away.

Sam wasn't really paying attention.

Sam: Have fun.
Alex: Why?
Leon: My sister is there with an assassin after her.

Alex rubs his chin and glances at Sam, who is looking for keys to one of the wrecker ships. He looks back at Leon.

Alex: I guess I could take you...
Alex Dean
Cargo Hauler
Dominion Master
2/23/2006 11:30:12 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 151
RE: A Traveller, a Cargo Hauler, and a Ship Dealer Walk Into a Bar

Alex looks at Daniel.

Alex: Hey... wait...

He walks over to Daniel.

Alex: You got one of those warp bands!
Daniel: Huh?

Alex takes the TCF teleport armband from Daniel.

Daniel: Hey, wait!
Alex: He heeeeeee....

He grins mischievously. Daniel groans "Oh no..."

The front door swings open and Amonost steps in. Sam turns and looks at him.

Sam: You again?
Amonost: Is Leon here? I'm not here for his bounty, but I need--

Fate walks directly over to Leon, as if she knew exactly where he was.

Fate: Leon.
Leon: Fate.

Fate sees Daniel rubbing his nearly-broken shoulder.

Fate: Daniel Wilson.

Before she can walk over and break his neck, Leon stops her.

Leon: They

He points at Sam and Alex with his thumb.

Leon: were hired to get this guy. You can't kill him or you interfere with their job.

Fate looks disgusted.

Fate: Fine.

They turn back to Sam and Alex. Behind Fate and Leon, the two TCF agents beam down--armed with beam rifles--and completely silently take Daniel in all of three seconds.

Alex: Lookie what I got.
Sam: ...One of the TCF armbands?

Alex wiggles it around.

Alex: Sure enough.
Sam: Don't use it.
Alex: Huh?
Sam: Well, they'd probably get pretty ticked if you did. I don't know exactly WHY, but...
Alex: Uh-huh.

Alex turns to Leon.

Alex: Well, I guess I don't have to take you to Meeriad anymore.
Amonost: Umm... excuse me.

Fate looks up at Leon.

Fate: He told me he was on your bounty for a while, but he believed me when I told him my story and brought me here.
Leon: What about his wingman?
Amonost: I told him too. He's here. If there's anything we can do to help you out, let us know.

Leon nods.
Eruantion Doriath
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
2/23/2006 9:55:44 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 157
RE: A Traveller, a Cargo Hauler, and a Ship Dealer Walk Into a Bar


Eruantion: Yeah, that's what I said. The most wanted criminal in the universe, or close to it... was set up.
Nienna: Sounds like you've had a pretty exciting couple days.
Eruantion: Yeah. It's been pretty rough... I'm not sure, but we may be coming home soon, so I might get to see you.
Nienna: That'd be great! It's been a while...
Eruantion: ...Sure has. (sighs)

Back at the hangar...

Amonost: Dang it. His line is busy. He must be talking to Nienna again. He'll be busy for hours. They talk about everything under the suns.
Leon: Well, when you get ahold of him, have him come down. I might be able to use your help...
Amonost: How so?
Leon: You might be able to go see Lieutenant Colonel Riggs for me, since I can't go see him myself... You might be able to get a meeting with him.
Fighter Pilot/Bounty Hunter
Dominion Master
2/24/2006 1:28:51 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 19
RE: A Traveller, a Cargo Hauler, and a Ship Dealer Walk Into a Bar

Amonost: We might be able to pull that off. Whose army?
Leon: Suerton. He was stationed in... Fort Abercrombie. That was six years ago.

He squints, as if thinking of something that causes him anger.

Alex: WHOA! Sam, check THIS out!

Alex is holding a magazine. He shows something to Sam.

Alex: J1M1 War Wagon. LOOK at that thing. I want one. Right danging now.
Sam: ..."Danging"?
Alex: Shuddup. Ouch. 90,000 tape.
Sam: Dang. Pretty cheap for a ship like that.
Alex: ...True.

He sighs.

Alex: But, slag, I want one.

Outside, Amonost beats on Eruantion's cockpit canopy forcefully.


Eruantion sighs.

Eruantion: Amon is bothering me. Gotta go.

He and Nienna exchange goodbyes and Eruantion opens the canopy.

Eruantion: What?
Amonost: Going to Ellix.
Eruantion: We just got here...
Amonost: We got here an hour and a half ago.
Eruantion: Oh.

He laughs.

Amonost: We're going to meet up with somebody who had to do with Leon's framing.
Eruantion: Speaking of which, I'm going to go talk to that Leon guy real quick.
Amonost: Alright.

Amonost hops in his ship and flicks on some music. Eruantion walks into the shop and over to Leon.

Eruantion: Hi, I'm Eruantion Doriath. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry we took up that bounty.
Leon: ...Thanks?
Eruantion: I assume you know my brother and I are going to go see a guy connected to your framing.
Leon: Yeah.

There's a silence.

Eruantion: So, bye.
Leon: Mm-hmm.

Eruantion turns and leaves, feeling rather uncomfortable. He climbs back into his ship. A voice is coming over S2S as soon as he sits down. Amonost is making "wah" noises.

Amonost: I stand up next to a moun-TAIN... and I chop it down... with the edge of my hand.
Eruantion: What is that?
Amonost: Huh? I was singing.
Eruantion: ...I wouldn't call that singing.
Amonost: Quiet. You ready to go?
Eruantion: Indeed.

They take off.

Eruantion: I thought we'd go home... see Nienna.

He sighs.

Amonost: Yeah, I know. But we haven't made any money in two months.
Eruantion: Yeah? We're not making money off this.
Amonost: Well, I know, I... Yeah. Whatever. We need to get a job and actually do it.
Eruantion: Yeah.
Samuel Jorgenson
Ship Mechanic
Dominion Master
3/2/2006 9:48:40 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 88
RE: A Traveller, a Cargo Hauler, and a Ship Dealer Walk Into a Bar

Sam and Alex are sitting in the shop, across from each other at a desk in the corner. On the desk in between them was the armband that Alex grabbed from Dan.

Alex: So..I wonder what would happen if we used it?
Sam: With our luck? Something bad.
Alex: But there's a chance something cool will happen. Maybe it leads to a vault full of money.
Sam: Or maybe it leads to death.
Alex: Maybe.

Alex grabs up the armband and looks at it, seeing that it has three buttons. One green, one red, and the other was on the side, and was colorless. He played eenie meenie miney moe and pressed the red button. A dark-green beam shot out of the armband and went right through the wall of the shop.

Sam: ... You're fixing that.
Alex: ... Awesome.
Sam: Lemme see that.

Alex tosses it to Sam.

Sam: My turn!

Sam does the same, and ends up pressing the colorless button on the side. His body begins to become engulfed in a green light. Startled, Alex tries to knock the band from Sam's hands, but both of them vanish out of the shop. They both reappear inside a small, circular room. A door on one side, a large window on the other.
Alex turned and looked out the window.

Alex: We're in space.
Sam: Aren't you the observant one?
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