RP forum and collaborative fiction community - Daireem

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The general forum rules

Many of these should be obvious if you frequented an internet forum before.

  1. Do not spam advertisements or useless threads.
  2. Do not write like you're in an AOL chat room. It's hard to respect someone with extremely bad grammar and spelling.
  3. On the flip side, do not make off-topic grammar and spelling corrections of other members.
  4. Do not falsely identify yourself as an administrator.
  5. Do not make inflammatory comments toward other members.
  6. Do not use profanity.
  7. Do not post nudity or pornography.
  8. Stay on-topic with whatever thread you're posting in.
  9. Always post in the correct forums.

Signature, portrait, icon, and title regulations:

  1. Your entire signature, including images and text, is to be no more than 150 pixels tall and 610 pixels wide.
  2. A portrait/avatar is to be no more than 150 pixels tall by 150 pixels wide.
  3. A personal icon is to be no more than 16 pixels tall by 16 pixels wide.
  4. Do not put images in your custom user title. User titles should never be more than three lines of text.
  5. If you want to post a picture larger than 600 pixels in width, you're better off just linking to it. If your picture stretches the post table, it will be edited into a link.

If you're unsure if something you're going to post will break the rules, you're better off not posting it. If you really want to post it and you're not sure about it, send Stasis a private message.

If you are banned and you think it's unfair, send Stasis a private message and work it out with him.

Backtrack to the basics. Proceed to the RPG rules!
  1. Getting Started
  2. General Rules
  3. RPG Rules
  4. User Creation
  5. Character Creation

Site owned, designed (nothing to brag about), and "maintained" by Clint Blizzard