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Black, Keith
Conner, Jake
Fender, Tom
Gibson, John
Ibonek, Jango
Jesper, Tragis
Kirate, Megan
Knopfler, Jack
Storms, Chris
Suerton, Salvador
Tebler, Maurice
Walker, John Browning


Keith Black (4186-4225) was a political activist in Callice, Meeriad, who spearheaded the Bowel Movement for New Government organization, and subsequently became president of Callice.

In 4225, he was involved in the assassinations of several key figures in the new, but short-lived, tyrannical government in Callice, Meeriad. Afterward, he faked his death, with help from his friends in SG&C, to avoid reprisals from any leftovers of the tyrannical government. He soon joined SG&C under the name Randy Dedmin.

Born August 26, 4186, in Southcross Health Center in southern Callice, Meeriad, to two lawyers, Lewis and Patti Black, Keith was home schooled until 17, at which time he enrolled in law classes at the University of Callice.