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Black, Keith
Conner, Jake
Fender, Tom
Gibson, John
Ibonek, Jango
Jesper, Tragis
Kirate, Megan
Knopfler, Jack
Storms, Chris
Suerton, Salvador
Tebler, Maurice
Walker, John Browning

Tom Fender spawned in a dumpster in 4196, somewhere in Callice, Dankton, Meeriad. He realized he was invincible shortly after his fifth spawnday, and became a soldier of fortune. Around age 27, he showed up on John Gibson's doorstep, ate all his chips, hogged his couch, and joined Storms, Gibson, & Conner, but the company was, unfairly, not renamed in his honor.

Fender has several known psychological issues, including blacking out; detailed, paranoid hallucinations during which his body acts normal but he does not personally experience the real world; and an unhealthy obsession with canned tuna fish.

There may in fact be two copies of the same Tom Fender in Daireem, as he has been seen strapped into a straight jacket while selling information in bars on Perrenor, though first-hand accounts from members of Storms, Gibson, & Conner report that he has been with them the entire time.