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The Wrath of God

Peoples and Societies
The Furry Trio



The Furry Trio are a versatile bunch consisting of only four "models" but billions of each. The Dominion Masters discovered these strange beings on Menos in 131. Each model has its own "spawn point" that generates new instances of that type indefinitely. The Dominion Masters of the Blizzard System have since developed a method for controlling the spawn rate using technology known as "Lockers." Dominion Master Jonathan is credited for this breakthrough. The Lockers keep the instances locked in place until summoned ("opening the Locker,") preventing the spawn point from generating a new one.

Wolf McDog is the largest model of Furry Trio. A gray-furred humanoid with wolf-like features and an extremely muscular physique, he stands 6'4" tall and weighs 250 pounds. He speaks in a very growly voice that often impairs his speech. As with every model of Furry Trio, the personalities of each Wolf can differ drastically from one instance to the next. He is most often spotted wearing a red headband and a black leather vest.

Blick Blanks is the techie pyro-demo-maniac of the bunch. He is a black-haired humanoid with hedgehog-like features and two thick, pointed "hairs" protruding from his forehead. He stands 5'11", weighs 171 pounds, and speaks with an extremely low and raspy voice. He has the uncanny ability to modify anything to maximize its performance... and blow stuff up. The Blick model has a strange tendency to become unstable at the molecular level during teleportation. The Dominion Masters have not been able to cite a cause for this odd behavior. He is most often seen sporting sunglasses (whether it is night or day) and a black leather jacket.

Sunny Light is an orange-furred humanoid hedgehog sporting a muscular physique. He stands 5'10" and weighs 173 pounds. He is the most soft-spoken of the four models. His strength lies in his technical prowess. He is often employed by the Dominion Masters in an engineering role and typically referred to as a "Sungineer." Sungineers are used to operate the many systems of the Blizzard Motor De la Suciedad. He is generally seen wearing a ragged sleeveless woodland camo shirt and cargo pants.

Drut Gains is the secret model. He was discovered after the moniker "Furry Trio" was adopted. He is mostly kept hidden by the Dominion Masters from the denizens of Daireem and performs secret research and experiments for the Dominion Masters. He is a brown-furred humanoid hedgehog very close in appearance to Sunny; however, he sports a tuft of hair on top of his head separate from his fur. He is 5'10" tall and weighs 172 pounds. While not often seen by many more than fellow Furry Trio and Blizzard Dominion Masters, he usually wears a blue t-shirt and jeans.

The Furry Trio serve as, in addition to the roles outlined above, ambassadors, servants, and a personal army for the Dominion Masters of the Blizzard System. Their personalities range from extremely suicidal to extremely elegant and polite. Regardless, they are loyal only to the DMs of Blizzard. Most are willing to sacrifice their lives without a moment's hesitation if a DM beckons. Quite a lot, in fact, enjoy dying.

The Dominion Masters do allow most of them free reign to do as they please, including harassing the inhabitants of the star system and outright assaulting them.

It is rumored that there exist originals of each Furry Trio model, and that if any of them were to die, their spawn point would cease to function. If it is true, the Dominion Masters keep them well hidden. Plus, there is no way to tell them apart from any of the other billions of instances.