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The Wrath of God

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Rylians are a sentient alien race, native to another galaxy relatively near Daireem.

Several thousand years ago, Rylians were a major problem in Daireem, waging open war on developing worlds. Outright genocide apparently wasn't their goal, as they demonstrated the ability to utterly bombard a planet's surface from orbit at least once during the war, but instead chose to deploy ground troops in most cases. The denizens of Daireem managed to push back and cause the Rylians to retreat into space, and ever since, population growth and technological advancement have apparently discouraged them from any further large-scale action, so much so that Rylians have fallen nearly into myth status, similar to werewolves and vampires. However, Rylians remain a very real threat to space-faring nomads and sparsely populated worlds.

Despite being highly technologically advanced, Rylians are barbaric and monstrous, opting to use their bodies as weapons when possible, such as their clawed hands and plated limbs, rather than ranged weapons. Due to the language barrier, nobody's yet been able to determine exactly why Rylians are so hostile, but it's generally presumed that the acquisition of new technology, acquisition of resources, and just plain blood sport have been the driving forces for various Rylian actions through the ages.

In the Daireem galaxy, Rylians usually live in small clans of less than fifty, and they usually only take action against small, low-population areas, using twelve or fewer operatives.

Physically, Rylians are bipedal, humanoid creatures with armored exoskeletons and some exposed soft tissue. Exoskeletons have been seen to look considerably different between persons, from matte black to a shiny silver, and sometimes in dark shades of red as well as earth tones. Pigmentation in the soft tissue includes a pinkish color, sometimes with a more yellowish hue, and sometimes a solid black. Males will commonly grow just above seven feet tall, and females... well, if they've ever been seen, they grow just above seven feet tall. Rylian hands are long and knobby, with only three fingers and a thumb. The jaws are a bisected mandible, and eyes are deeply recessed and often a harsh yellow, but in some cases have a pale red hue.

Rarely, a Rylian will possess a hooked, prehensile tail, around four feet long, lined with plates similar to the exoskeleton. The tail's purpose in nature is unknown, as the majority of Rylians do not have it, so balance is evidently not an issue. The tail seems to serve as a status symbol, leading some to hypothesize that it is either surgically removed as some sort of punishment, though this is unlikely due to those lacking it greatly outnumbering those possessing it, or that the tail is attached at some point in a Rylian's life specifically as a status symbol.