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Daireem - Meeriad
Wolf McDog
The ability to destroy
a planet is insignificant
next to the power of the Force.
I'm a random monster...
and the most powerful boss!
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Monster--Opened for Random Access
Strikes: 128
Banned Banned Banned Banned Banned Banned
(For being an idiot.)
Not Jailed
(For being busted out by Szyren.)

Dominion Master
3/22/2008 12:06:24 AM

Level: 85
Experience: 2500627

Total Posts: 294
In orbit...

In a dingy, rarely-used room of the Motor De la Suciedads occupied by the dominion masters Kyle, Clint, Jon, and Rob, a Blick hunches over a keyboard, surrounded by four bright, widescreen LCD monitors. He's looking intently at one monitor on which is a window containing live video from somewhere else in the galaxy. He is pounding his fist angrily into the desk.

Blick: No, no, no! Dangit! How did she compromise the B3000's supposedly impenetrable armor?! That hobo I got the base material off of said this stuff is impenetrable--guaranteed! I guess he owes me some money--

Suddenly the door to the room flies open, flooding it with bright light. Blick, startled, jumps around in his seat to see who it is. A Sunny stands, dramatically back-lit, in the doorway.

Sunny: What were you doing?

A Wolf steps in behind Sunny, squinting more than normal.

Wolf: He doesn't know.

Blick gives them a quizzical look.

Blick: Know what?
Sunny: Never mind. Come on, we've got work to do.

Blick jumps up from his chair and heads toward the door.

Blick: Let's go then!

They file out, and Blick closes and locks the door behind them.
Daireem - In orbit...
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