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Daireem - Cerania
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
12/19/2008 3:42:41 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Fighting Skies

Valerie could see Hugo just down the hall.

Valerie: Hey.

She gestured with the gun to the guy on the floor and looked back down at him.

Valerie: Do you know how many people were here before we showed up? Think carefully.

The man looked obviously intimidated and hesitated with his answer.

Man: There were... probably fifteen of us.

Valerie waited for more elaboration, but he didn't offer it.

Valerie: Was anybody outside?

The man shook his head.

Man: I mean, a bunch of people jumped out.
Valerie: When you went down?
Man: Y-yeah. Some of them had chutes.

Valerie looked at Hugo.
Street Fighter/Space Station
12/19/2008 5:33:19 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 181
RE: Fighting Skies

Valerie looked none the worse for wear, fortunately.  Her prisoner was apparently not so stupid, either, which was lucky for everyone involved.

Physically, Hugo still felt incongruously strong, but all the electric currents coursing through his nervous system and gunfire going off at point blank really took the edge off his cognitive faculties. The fact that Mattias and his flyer might be in danger from the bandits who jumped escaped him for the moment.

Trying not to grin despite the aching hole in his shoulder, Hugo said, "I've taken out nine guys, including the three by the kitchen.  With this'un it makes ten. Can't be hardly any left, how many've you got?"

Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
12/19/2008 8:38:30 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Fighting Skies

Valerie: Three or four.

She thought for another second.

Valerie: Three. Maybe there're two on the bridge?
Man: Wh--why?

Valerie looked at him impatiently.

Valerie: When you live a life of theft and piracy, it catches up with you. So... we need to do something with you.

She looked at Hugo. The guy wasn't fighting back, but he didn't seem too dumb. She wasn't about to ice the guy while he wasn't a direct threat, but she didn't know what else to do with him.

Valerie: So, should I go check out the bridge?
Street Fighter/Space Station
12/20/2008 5:26:46 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 181
RE: Fighting Skies

Hugo replied, "Let's both go and take him with.  Maybe they'll play nice.  In any case, I want to look around the bridge and see if I can find a radio or nav unit that I could install in the 'thopter."

He asked the guy on the floor, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where a guy could find a small shortwave and an auto-map, would ya?"

If this guy stayed cooperative, maybe Hugo wouldn't kill him after all.

(I'm going away for a while to a place with very limited connectivity. See you around Jan 1)
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
12/31/2008 1:05:55 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Fighting Skies

Man: Are you going to kill me?
Valerie: Are you going to kill us?
Man: ... How in the blazes would I do that?
Valerie: Try to slip away, grab for a gun?
Man: Man, I'm the cook. I don't want to kill you if you don't want to kill me. How's that?
Valerie: That sounds about right.

She took a step forward and covered the hallway in the direction they hadn't been yet.

Man: Okay. There's all kinds of radios on the bridge. I'm not really sure what for, but there's a bunch of them. Probably find what you need. I don't know about your automap, I think something like that would be built into the computer?
Street Fighter/Space Station
12/31/2008 12:43:08 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 181
RE: Fighting Skies

Hugo nodded and said, "Alright. Let's go."

He held out his hand to the man and roughly pulled him up.  He growled, "You go first.  Play nice, now."

Shaking slightly, the cook did what he was told.  Hugo grimaced as he used the moment of calm to try to deal with the pain streaming from his injured shoulder.  Try as he might, however, the breathing exercises didn't help and the pain overwhelmed the simple mental blocks his father taught him.  Being shot was worse than being beat up, that was for sure, and he was just going to have to live with it.  

They reached the door to the bridge without incident.  The hallway was empty except for detritus and broken glass.  Apparently the crash impact had been the worst here, as the entire structure seemed warped and broken.  Muted voices were audible through the door, sounding like a vehement argument between at least three people.  

Hugo turned to Valerie and spoke sotto voce, "How about you do the talking. I'll keep this guy in check."
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
1/1/2009 11:19:04 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Fighting Skies

Valerie pushed open the door and allowed Hugo to walk the cook inside. She followed closely.

The three men inside were startled, looking at their visitors in surprise. The three of them were close together, two standing and one sitting at a computer terminal. Valerie made sure her Uzi was clearly visible.

Valerie: Alright, here's the straight dope. Hand off the gun.

She waved the submachine gun at the man standing on the right, whose hand was hovering above a hip holster. He raised it away.

Valerie: We want a small short wave radio and a portable auto map and we'll be on our way. We already iced or otherwise incapacitated your other guys, so don't bother trying to call them. We're gonna leave you alone if you just give us the stuff and let us go.
Man: ... You... iced...?
Valerie: Killed.
Man: Everyone?
Valerie: Pretty much.
Man: Pretty much?

Valerie started to shake.

Valerie: Stop repeating everything I say. I'm getting impatient, and my... associate here doesn't like uncooperative people.

The two standing men looked at each other for a long moment.

Man: Okay. Let me get them.

He began toward a locker on the left side of the bridge. She eyed several radios on a control panel off to the right.

Valerie: Forget the grenade in the locker. You're only killing yourself.

The man stopped, sighed, and headed over to the control panel with the radios.

Valerie: Thank you.

The man operating the computer pressed a button and pulled his map--a husky thing about the size of an old laptop, but all screen--out of its cradle. She hadn't even seen it there.

Operator: I guess we won't be needing it anymore anyway.

He held it out, letting Valerie take it. She tucked it under her left arm.

Valerie: Alright, where's that radio?
Captain: I'm findin' one, hold your horses.
Valerie: They're right there. Hurry up.

He picked one out and tossed it haphazardly at her. She caught it, though clumsily, what with the map under her left arm and the Uzi in her right hand.

Valerie: Alright then. Thanks for the help.

She cued Hugo to back out of the room, still covering the men with her gun.
Street Fighter/Space Station
1/2/2009 9:22:13 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 181
RE: Fighting Skies

Hugo didn't budge.  "Hold on, we're not quite done here."

Still holding on to the cook, he told the men on the bridge, "I want to know everything about your organization.  Are you guys connected with Rick Sonny?"

The trio looked nervous.  The man on the left answered, "Man, don't nobody does nothing around Avesta Ruin without Sonny."  

The man with the gun said, "Shut up, will you?  No, we want nothing to do with Sonny.  What's it to you?"

Hugo answered, "Just answer my questions. Actually no, you shut up and let the others answer.  Who is coming to get you guys out of here, and when are they coming?"

The right-most guy, clearly the leader, started to answer again but shut his mouth when Valerie pointedly aimed her Uzi. After a pause, it was the man at the terminal who answered dejectedly, "Uh, our other 'zep' will be here by dusk..."

Hugo raised his eyebrows, "Your gang has two dirigibles? Where is your base?"

Again there was a pause, and the same guy answered, "There's a quiet volcano a couple hundred clicks out West."

Figuring that it would probably be marked on the auto-map, Hugo said, "Alright, and where is Sonny now?"

Now the leader really looked stressed.  The man who was talking looked up at him before saying, "Uh, yeah, he's in Avesta Ruin."

Hugo thought that sounded like a lie, but he didn't feel up to the task of pressuring the men for the truth. The only thing that kept him there was the feeling that their reaction meant something important.

Turning to Valerie, he said, "Okay, I'm ready to go." Whispering, he added, "Do you think it's wise to let them radio home about this?"
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
1/4/2009 2:43:10 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Fighting Skies

(I hate this post, but it's already done)

Valerie scowled. The pirates grew increasingly uneasy the longer the two of them stood there.

In her mind, she sloshed the liquid options back and forth in her cupped metaphorical hands. Her finger inched toward the trigger, considering just capping the rest of them and calling it a day. It wouldn't have made her happy, but it was a way out.

Valerie: Is there a brig?

She checked her watch. It was still morning.

CO: We have some cells.
Operator: ... Why?
Valerie: Show me.

She stepped out of the way of the door, allowing them through.

Valerie: Can't have you folks shooting us in the backs, figuratively or literally.

The operator, CO, captain, and the cook filed toward the doorway. Valerie snatched the pistol out of the captain's holster as he walked by.

The pirates already knew about Hugo and Valerie anyway. Letting them live kept the karma off Valerie's soul and wouldn't cause any further problems unless, as Hugo suggested, they called home right now. They'd send something, fighters probably, to catch them now and blow them out of the sky.

Unless they squawked to Rick Sonny later. That could be a problem. Not that she knew this Sonny fellow, but he didn't sound like a great guy to deal with.

She lifted the submachine gun to her shoulder and mashed the trigger, peppering the four men with 9mm, cutting them down in the hallway.

Valerie: Already in enough trouble without them, right?

Her voice was bitter. She folded the gun's stock and hung it on the strap of her bag.

Valerie: Let's get the heck out of here.
Street Fighter/Space Station
1/5/2009 6:31:46 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 181
RE: Fighting Skies

Valerie's vicious burst of lethal force on defenseless men was shocking.  Though he was clearly not one to be fazed easily, Hugo wasn't used to the brutality of automatic fire and was left speechless.

Cradling the hard-won equipment and a half-empty blaster, Hugo silently stepped over the warm and bleeding corpses.  Had he been in better shape, he might have suggested setting the gondola on fire to cover their tracks, but at this point he was completely drained and was aware only of moving and getting away and that horrible pain in his shoulder.

Also gone was the notion of pillaging the wreckage for stuff to pawn and earn some cash.  As they passed the two dead men in the hallway outside the kitchen, however, Hugo's stomach incongrously made itself known once more.  

"Food!  Let's grab what we can."

In the kitchen, he found a canvas bag and shoved a bunch of cans and boxes in without looking. "Oof," he grunted when lifting it -- it ended up heavier than he expected.  
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