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Daireem - Meeriad
Bounty Hunter
1/17/2009 1:50:53 AM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 34
RE: Take back the city

Travis nodded and peeked around the rubble.

"I don't know how well a beam-saber would cut through the armor plating, is the only problem."

He peeked around the corner again, and noticed the third walker crushed by the sign, and got an idea.

Travis looked around the rubble from the collapsed buildings, and noticed a flattened steel plate.

"I have an idea, it may be crazy, but...  If I can get up there," he paused checking the ammo count in his pistols, then gestured up at the cockpit of one of the falcons, "I think I could cut through the cockpit window.  They're only humans inside the robotic outside.  Ever heard of a rocket jump?" he said grinning.
Deon 'CrosS' Carter
1/18/2009 4:07:38 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 37
RE: Take back the city

"You are one crazy mother fragger" Deon said to his companion, as he prepared to cover him. flipping out from behind his cover, Deon took aim and fired his armour piercing rounds at the Walker's cockpit. "NOW, GO NOW!" He shouted over the sound of his weapon.
Bounty Hunter
1/18/2009 2:55:17 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 34
RE: Take back the city

Travis laughed at Deon's comment, then shoved off the wall.  He ran quickly, and grabbed the steel plate.  It was light, but strong enough it should block any real damage from a grenade blast.

He dived to the left to avoid a spray of fire from one of the two remaining falcons.  The autocannon's fire was off a little, but enough to let Travis know that the armor piercing bullets had gotten through... and that meant that a beam saber could cut through it.

Travis noticed MK2 a few yards away, and ran over by him and explained his plan quickly, then waited for the android to acknowledge him.

((OOC: sorry, just wanted to make sure that he was still part of the storyline.))
MK2 Assasin Droid
1/19/2009 6:56:55 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 36
RE: Take back the city

"Alright, but it's risky" said MK2. Since he had nothing to take the walkers out, he rushe towards one and leaped on it, his magnetic hands and feet ataching to it's leg imeadiatley 'the humans may think that they know it's weak points, but they know nothing about it's true design.'

He pulled his beam sabre out and with three quick slices, one on each joint where the leg joined the main body and a cut to below the main body, he jumped off the thing just as it toppled over.

"That's how you take down a walker he said to Ghost that was just staring at him th whole time with an open mouth."
Bounty Hunter
1/20/2009 1:09:47 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 34
RE: Take back the city

Travis watched around the corner of the barrier as MK2 brought down the second Falcon.

"My turn," he whispered to himself and lauched out from the concrete shard.

Half a step later he had a belt that had three grenades on it in one hand, and the steel plate in the other.

He pulled a rip cord attached to the grenades with his teeth.

Three.  He dodged to the side to avoid a blast from the Ion Cannon.

Two.  He glanced up at the cockpit of the Falcon, a twisted grin on his face, baring his eye-teeth.

One.  He threw the grenade belt to the ground in front of the Falcon, then threw the plate over them, leaping onto it.

Zero.  The grenades exploded, throwing Travis and the steel plate into the air.  Midair Travis drew a beam saber, and activated the blade.

He grabbed onto an antenna of some sort, and swung around, slicing easily through the glass and electronic cockpit window.  Then with one fluid motion, he pulled out one of his pistols, and fired three shots into the surprised pilot.

With a shudder, the walker stopped, shook, then lurched forward.  Travis leapt off just before it impacted with the cracked pavement of the street, and rolled into a stand, spun the pistol, then released the empty cartridge.

"I believe you were saying something about how you take down a walker?" Travis shouted jokingly to MK2, as small components of the walker behind him exploded.

[Removed 3 Frag Grenades from inventory. You now have no Frag Grenades.]
Deon 'CrosS' Carter
1/21/2009 2:45:00 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 37
RE: Take back the city

"Well that was fun." Deon said as he holstered his weapon. "I guess we're headed for that nightclub now eh?
"Might I suggest..." shouted Ghost as he flopped out of the dumpster, "...that we grab some bigger guns first?"
"Good idea" Deon replied. "We'll head home and get strapped up. You guys coming, or should we meet up someplace?"
Bounty Hunter
1/22/2009 2:44:10 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 34
RE: Take back the city

Travis shrugged, "I guess that's a good of plan as any at the moment.  Probably won't want to take too long of a time however, these brutes will be expected back, and I for one don't want to tip off the head of this organization that he's being hunted, just yet at any rate."

Travis turned his head towards MK2.

"Any idea how long it'd take us to reach the club, then any ideas on how long it'd take them to notice that a few," he paused and quick count of the bodies, "dozen of their allies are missing?"
MK2 Assasin Droid
1/22/2009 7:51:45 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 36
RE: Take back the city

"The first question, is about twenty minutes, and the second question probabley not, but he might miss the walkers" MK2 said with a glance at the recks.

"And if you need heavy weapons, I can make about two right here if you hand me those to pipes over there" he said, indicating some short, large pipes lying on the ground.

After he got them, he added some things on to the pipes from the ground, and some things from inside him, and made two VX-9 Strickers "those will get rid of anymore vehicles if we run into any, and these" he said as he pulled out some purple crytals from a compartment inside him "are extra heat crytals for my C8, hot enough to melt armour."

He glanced at the people staring at him in astonishment "would you like to head back to your houses still, or would you like to head to nightclub now?"
Deon 'CrosS' Carter
1/22/2009 8:50:09 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 37
RE: Take back the city

"alright then, we'll head to the club now. Ghost, go fetch the Bushmasters and some ammo and meet us there."
"Whatever..." Ghost muttered as he disappeared into the night.
"Hey robot, think you could somehow use those things?" Deon said, pointing to the autocannons on one of the fallen walkers with a slight smile on his face.
MK2 Assasin Droid
1/25/2009 9:15:15 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 36
RE: Take back the city

MK2 took a good look at his scrap made roket launchers, then said "wait, we can't use those, they would be way to unstable, anbout and 90 percent chance of blowing up in your hands, so unless you want to be dead pretty soon, I suggest you put those down."

"An for the walker's cannons Tavis, there's no way one man, even a droid could break that off, much less use it in a firefight. I might be able to rig something up with it, if I had time we don't have."

"I still have armour peircing or melting ammo for anyone with a blaster, and I'm sure I can pick something up from my 'place', just gve me a minute" MK2 said, sprinting away leaving the the box of armour peircing ammo in front of the group.
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