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Daireem - Meeriad
New User
7/1/2009 7:42:09 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 4
Blitz's Crash Landing

The shapeshifter lost control of his 556A GreyWolf, and began to free fall towards Meeriad. "Aw, man...this is gonna sting..." he winced as he penetrated the planters atmosphere. His shapshifting form was a humanoid wolf with dragon wings,and the majority of the time, he kept this form.

The ship landed on it's side wing and skidding along the rocky gravel beneath before smashing into a large rock, totaling it.

"Oh, man..." blitz winced crawling out of the cockpit holding his back. "I gotta find a town or somethin'...."
Daireem - Blitz's Crash Landing
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