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Daireem - Meeriad
New User
7/31/2011 8:30:57 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 3
The Meerian Wilderness

"Being shot from orbit is no pleasurable experience" Jossk thought to himself. "Even if staying on an exploding station is the alternative. Especially when landing in a wilderness filled with all manner of abborations."  It was getting dark very quickly. He shifted from his wolf form and pulled his pack off and took out his 4-cell mag-light. Shining it about, he found chunks of scrap from the station's explosion. He pulled out his holocomm and switched it on hoping that the laws of physics would temporarily cease to apply and allow the device to work despite the EMP that had hit it. No such luck the peace of space slag wasn't going to work any better than felling one of the giant cypruss trees with his beam saber.

Jossk used some of the darkly colored steel to construct a rudimentry shelter. He then spent another half hour looking for other useful things to use before finally just laying down in the pile of scrap for a night's sleep.
New User
8/15/2011 9:42:41 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 3
The Meerian Wilderness

The morning sun shown brightly through gaps in the shoddily constructed shelter, and Jossk rolled over with a groan. Another day of wandering about in the Meerian wilderness, most of his electronic devices were beeping their "low battery" beeps. He sighed and crawled out of the shelter, he wandered around the small clearing looking for something to eat. After foraging in bushes for half an hour he located a small breakfast of ripe, honey tasting berries. He then picked up his pack and pulled it onto his back, strapping it loosely across his belly. Starting towards the edge of the clearing he shifted to his canine self and picked up speed heading to an another day of wandering through a massive wilderness.
((OOC: someone please join, I'm not going to be able to rp alone for very long Sad
Daireem - The Meerian Wilderness
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