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Daireem - Join
12/20/2011 8:44:03 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 5
Hero Peculiar

Name: Hero Peculiar
Age: Twenty
Gender: M
Species: (Hafling) Appears to be a mix between Human and Keifan
Description: He is a tall man who wear sunglasses and a scarf...always. His mannerisms are quite odd, one could even say he is quite peculiar. He can only affect himself with magic, and even when he does he must use it sparingly or he will exhaust his strength.

History: Hero comes from a clan of artifact collectors and protectors known as clan Peculiar. They are known for being incredibly odd albeit endearing.
  The Peculiars are not native to Daireem, in fact Hero has no memory of where his clan hails from.
  When asked about his life before coming to Daireem he is unable to recall anything. However, he is able to remember occassional snippets of his past and family, as long as no one directly asks him.
  He was summoned to Daireem by a powerfull spellcaster. The old man who summoned him was on the verge of death and he handed Hero a small black cube and spoke his final words.
"Welcome to Daireem, hero...please take this and beware Liska."

Retractable Spear: A shall silver rod about one foot in length. When a Peculiar wills it to activate, the rod becomes a very strong longspear. (Not sure on the price)
Heckler & Koch Mark 23
Benelli M3 Super 90
12/20/2011 8:46:55 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 5
RE: Hero Peculiar

Forgot to post vehicle and link to the picture I want to use for this guy.

Vehicle: RXN-3 Thunderbird
Picture: http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/523270/523270,1279370682,14/stock-photo-attractive-guy-sitting-with-his-sunglasses-and-scarf-58028122.jpg
Daireem - Hero Peculiar
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