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5/18/2018 2:08:35 PM

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haracter Name:
Nathan, Philip, thomas




Everything about your character's looks, such as build, height, weight, and skin color, as well as personality, preferred style of clothing, etc.
quite long dark brown hair with matching brown eyes, average build, 6 foot, 1, 159 pounds, white, dark humored, jokester, easily annoyed, he usually wears a black leather jacket with holsters on each side of his hip, he wears black boots and a futuristic mask that covers his face

Nathan was born on Earth to a normal family, he had a older brother, a older sister, his mother and his farther, His history up to the age of 17 was nothing special, every once in a while he would get into a fight, but a month after he turned 17 he decided he had enough of his boring family and wanted to explore the stars, and so he snuck onto a space ship without thinking, as the ship began to take off Nathan realised his mistake but it was too late, he hid in a small part of the cargo bay, until one of the crew came to catalouge everthing and make sure nothing was missing after their latest drop off which Nathan had slept entirely through, the crewman found Nathan hungry and cowering behined a large crate, how he had stayed hidden up to this point is not known, the crewman brought the boy to the captain, after a explaination the captain explained how they could not return to earth, the crew had been framed for a robbery, they were hoping that maybe after a while the true culprits would be revealed but until then Nathan would have to work with the crew if he wished to stay, Nathan may not have been the brightest but even he knew he would need food, water and a place to stay if he wanted to survive so he agreed, it wasn't long before Nathan was like family to the crew and worked with them for three years, at this point Nathan had given up on ever returning home yet didn't feel sad about it, it wasn't that his family were bad people he had just accepted that chances were he wouldn't see them again and that the crew was his family now, it was yearly a year after that while on a planet while Nathan was getting supplies a large number of police looking soldiers surrounded the ship demanding the crew exit with their hands up, a few minutes later the crew did, they were handcuffed and their ship taken aboard a larger capital looking ship, by the time Nathan had realised what was happening everyone was gone, his new family gone, the ship, gone, he had nothing but the clothes on his back a couple hundred tape, some food and water, he had close to no chance of surviving, yet somehow by some miracle he did, he bought himself a cheap weapon from a shady looking dealer and decided he would get himself a ship, not by buying, he didn't have near enough for that, he was going to take one, he had no intention of killing anyboy and knew both of his families would even dissaprove of him stealing the ship but he had no choice, during the night he snuck aboard a ship while everyone slept, using the same tricks he once did to hide from his family, but this time he wasn't planning on being nice, the next day as the sun rose he crew left the ship to do whatever they had to, one of them leaving everything Nathan would need to take the ship, he had only ever flown with the captains help but he knew the jist, or so he thought, he hoped to everyone he could he would survive, as he started the ship he slowly took off, suddenly the ship was being shot, it was the crewmen, he nearly had a heart attack but kept his cool, taking off he was able to leave the planet, what was he thinking? there was no way he could do this, was he insane? it was too late to return the ship and apologise, so he continued, for a week he flew through space, but it wasn't long before he had to stop to refuel and get supplies, luckily the crew had left more than enough for him, as he left he was appraoched by a shady looking man "your a bit young to have your own ship" the man smirked, Nathan knew what he meant, hell he technically wasn't old enough to take his test never mind fly a ship, Nathan chuckled explaining he was just part of the crew to which the man nodded "sure kid, say how much would you take for the ship?" the man asked, Nathan stood there shocked for a while then slowly shook his head signalling he wasn't selling "sixty?" the man asked ignoring Nathan, he stood there shocked sixty? the ship was sold for a little less than half of that, before agreeing, Nathan asked why? the man looked at him "It's in better condition than any other i've seen" Nathan didn't care he agreed handing over everything "thanks mate" the man walked aboard "oh by the way, might wanna start running" the man said closing the door to the ship, that's when Nathan was suddenly surrounded by men telling him to get on the ground, he was terrified and did as he was told, they'd ratted him out, his old crew blammed him for stealing everything, that's what he was told, as he sat in the small transporter his head down in thought the guard kept a eye on him, the gun aimed at the boy's chest, Nathan knew for what he was blammed for he was going away for a while, it was during prison he had a name for himself, anyone who fought him he beat, he was the boss, but it came to a end when he was released, they had no proof he stole what he was accused of except his ex-crew's testimony but could convict him of stealing the ship he stayed in the prison for two years, when he left he was barely 20, when he was released he was still pissed, his family, his friends betrayed him, whatever he decided he wouldn't ever care for a crew like he did with his last one, he bought a small ship and took off, he knew what he would be and didn't care, prison had changed his thoughts on everything, he was gonna be a thief, and do whatever he wanted, and that's where we are now.

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