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Daireem - Space
Alex Dean
Cargo Hauler
Dominion Master
4/24/2007 10:15:40 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 151
RE: Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

Boss: Yup, I'ma here.
Alex: Could you... y'know... open the hangar?
Boss: Oh. Right.

The doors open. The Spacehawk lands inside. Da Boyz go to the bridge.

Alex: We need to go to Liavor in the Mircor system.
Boss: Oh? Well good for ya. Everybody accounted for?
Alex: Yeah, everybody's here.
Boss: Awright, timer's set. I'm blowin' this slaghole.

Alex blinks.

Alex: What?
Boss: Bigger fish to fry and better things to do than be your chauffeur. Have fun.

He beams to the hangar. A sleek, white fighter emerges from an elevator in the floor. Boss gets in and simply flies out of the hangar without another word. Alex and Sam arrive in the hangar just in time to see him leave. Before they can wrap their heads around what happened, Siesta enters hyperspace, en route to the location at which Alex first found it.

Alex frowns.

Alex: That stinks. Well then...

After screwing around, napping, and other such things while they wait to exit hyperspace, the ship arrives. Everybody loads up in Alex's Spacehawk and begins the wonderful ten-hour trip to Liavor.

More sleeping and a few games of Liar's Dice follow. They arrive at Liavor. While in orbit, they look up GeoMining, Inc. and get the address to their headquarters. They enter atmosphere.
Samuel Jorgenson
Ship Mechanic
Dominion Master
4/24/2007 10:44:14 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 88
RE: Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

A short while later, they dock at the Spaceport and head inside the main building.

Carl: Soo..Why did we come here?
Sam: Alex, leon and I have some business to attend to. I suppose you can all go off and do whatever you want.
Carl: ...Are there any go-karts around here?
Sam: ..Maybe?

Carl vanishes, running out the main door, followed by Dave.

Dave: Wait up!!

Sam: You coming with us, Fate?
Fate: I suppose.

The GeoMining building is way too far to walk, so they purchase a shuttle ticket and wait down in the waiting area until the next shuttle pulls in. 45 minutes, and 6 stops later, they land just a short walk away from the GeoMining main office. They start walking over to the building, and Sam walks in first, briefcase in hand. The door make a "Ding!" sound when Sam pushes it open. The receptionist smiles.

Receptionist: Welcome to GeoMining Incorperated! How may I help you today?
Sam: We're looking for Leonard Fitz.
Receptionist: Do you have an appointment?
Sam: It's an emergency, so to say.
Receptionist: Hm..Just a moment!

She picks up the phone and hits the intercom button.

Receptionist: Leonard Fitz, you have visitors in the main office! Leonard Fitz, visitors in the office! Thank you.

She hangs up the phone and points at the seats.

Receptionist: He'll be with you in just a moment.

A short while later, an old man, dressed in casual clothes walks in and greets them.

Holt: Greetings, is there something I can help you all with?

Alex notices the receptionist is too busy chattering on the phone to be paying attention.

Alex: We were sent by one of your 'friends.'
Holt: Hm?

Alex points out the briefcase in Sam's hand.

Holt: ...Come with me, to my office.

They walk down the hallway and come to a decent sized office at the end. Dr. Holt locks his door and walks over to his desk, and flips open a panel, revealing a keypad, with a fingerprint scanner below. He scans in his print, then punches in some numbers. A door slides open against the back wall of his office, revealing a staircase leading down. They all head down the staircase, and the panel closes behind them as the hallway becomes instantly illuminated by the inset lights lining the ceiling.
Alex Dean
Cargo Hauler
Dominion Master
4/24/2007 11:59:04 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 151
RE: Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

At the bottom of the staircase, Holt flips on the lights. They flicker for a second before coming on. The lab has a subterranean motif... since it's just a small cave dug out of the rock.

A few computers and some lab-ish equipment are scattered around the assortment of desks, tables, and shelves on the right side of the room. Over in the far left corner is a hulking sci-fi power generator with large, exposed turbines that are probably entirely unnecessary. It's not running at the moment. In the middle of the room is a square depression in the floor, with three couches at the edges and surrounded by potted plants--most likely fake, since there's no sunlight down here. It looks very out of place. Lining every wall are what appear to be blaster prototypes.

Holt leads them over to the computers.

Holt: I suppose you're freelancing for Gerald.
Alex: So that's his name.
Holt: Yes, that's Jerry... not one to reveal his identity. Likes an air of mystery. Now... The case, please?
Alex: Oh, drat... We forgot it.
Holt: Huh...?
Sam: Before we go handing out weaponized viruses, we'd like to know exactly why you want it.

Sam sets the case on the desk and opens it. There's a sandwich in a Ziplock bag inside. Holt looks rather unhappy at this revelation. Most of this time, Fate has been inspecting one of the weapons on the wall.

Holt: I understand your hesitancy. It... must be studied; a vaccine created... You understand. Also, here, I can hide it from those who wish to use it against others.

Sam and Alex nod. Sam grabs the sandwich and takes a bite out of it.

Sam: Alright. We'll be back in a little while with the case.
Holt: ...Thank you.

A few minutes later, they get back to the shuttle station.

Alex: Why would he want to make a vaccine for an artificial virus?
Sam: There could be more. I mean, somebody could make more even.
Alex: Well, yeah...

Both Leon and Fate have been brooding the entire time. Alex playfully smacks Leon's arm.

Alex: What's up?

Leon looks down at Alex.

Leon: George. When Sam mentioned a weaponized virus, he blinked.
Sam: ...Soooooo...?
Leon: He didn't know of any virus. He was making up every answer, on the spot.
Alex: So, what does he think is in the case...?
Leon: The better question is "What is in the case?"

The shuttle arrives and they make the 45 minute trip back to the spaceport in silence, considering the possibilities. However, Fate continues to appear to be deep in thought. When they arrive back at the Spacehawk, she promptly begins digging into the stuff she brought with her and pulls out a small, computer-like machine and turns it on. She pulls a set of headphones out of the same bag, plugs them in, and puts them on.

Alex: What are you doing?
Leon: She planted a bug in George's lab.

Alex blinks in surprise and looks at Leon.

Alex: When'd she get the chance to do that?

Leon turns and stares at Alex. He has no idea how to answer that question. Fate mutters something without looking away from the machine.

Fate: I planted it as soon as we entered the room...
Alex: Oh.

Leon Mecheeto Brothers in Arms
4/26/2007 1:08:19 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 45
RE: Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

Alex: So, are you like Batman or something?
Leon: What?
Alex: Can't you take a "sample" of that stuff in the case and figure out what it is?
Leon: No.

Alex shrugs and leans back in his chair.

Alex: Just thought I'd ask.

Sam looks up at Fate.

Sam: Is he saying anything yet?

Fate shakes her head negatory.

Fate: There's nothing. He probably left the room.

Sam closes his eyes and rubs his forehead. Leon begins pacing. The air is deathly silent.

Suddenly Fate perks up. She turns the external speakers up. A voice is heard through them. It's Holt's.

Holt: No. How could they find Jessica on Perrenor? ... Are you sure? Slag it, hold on.

He quits speaking. Some clicking sounds are heard. Then the speakers pop and there is silence.

Sam: What happened?
Fate: He fried the listening device.
Alex: So he knows it's there?
Fate: I doubt it. He probably just sent a POE through the room to disable things such as our device.

Alex leans back in his seat, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Alex: So, Jessica on Perrenor... To Perrenor!
Sam: You'd better hope there's only one Jessica on Perrenor.
Alex: RIGHT!

Alex leaps into the pilot seat and pushes the throttle to max. He begins playing with the navicomputer to set a hyperspace route to Perrenor. The PSS's engage as the ship accelerates past light speed.

Several hours later, the ship exits hyperspace and the shields disengage, giving them a clear view of the barren world of Perrenor. They enter the toxic atmosphere at sub-light speed and approach the space port in the Yasiere dome. After a couple minutes of Alex followed by Sam arguing with the lone drunk guy who made up ground control, they received clearance to land in docking bay 94.

They do so and exit the ship. Alex proceeds to pay the docking fee of 50 tape while the others wait outside.

Alex soon joins them, inhaling deeply the smog. They begin walking.

Alex: Aaaaah.... Perrenor. Been here before, Leon?
Leon: Yes.

They continue walking in no particular direction.


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