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Daireem - Meeriad
New User
9/30/2007 11:35:25 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 6
Corruption reins

  The Dankton Railway Services train was late. Therefor, when the train finally arrived, the platform was incredibaly crowded. The free seats counter was going down rapidly. She couldn't afford to miss this train so she pushed some people away and with only 10 on the counter, boarded the train and found a seat.

Nearly she was caught offguard when a human kid offered her candy. She opened her mouth just a little too wide for the kid. He, and probably his mother too could see her two fangs. Although Demons were officially accepted here, most of them were discriminated or arrested.

To keep the demons at Nookiya silent about this, the human ministry offered gifts to the demon ministry at Nookiya. Her mother was one of those gifts. A human slave. Her father was a counsilman and one and one makes two. Her human mother was the reason Delylah looked pretty human on the outside, the orange skin at night excluded. This made her blend in perfectly.

The journey to the ministry would take her about one hour, however due to heavy riots against the high travelling fares, the train arrived at the destined station nearly twenty minutes late.

Delylah looked at her watch. Fourty minutes left. Danged mortals. She quickly got off the train and walked through the station. Across the large square was the ministry of foreign affairs. As fast as she could she walked to the door and held. One last checkup on the gear and she stepped inside.

"Good day can I help you miss?" The clerk stepped towards her.
"I need to see the minister"
"I'm afraid that is not possible for the audiance miss"
"I told you I NEED to see him".

She turned her face towards him and her eyes changed from normal blue to hellish yellow. Without exposing her teeth she smiled to the guard. From the corner of her eye she could see another guard come to her.

"Miss you have to leave now", the second guard said.
"After I have seen the minister I will leave"
"Move now or I'll have you arrested," the first guard said boldy.

In a split second she drew her SEAL knifes and sliced both men's throat.

Of course the camera's had noticed and within seconds the alarm went off. Delylah stood calm as guards seemed to come from everywhere.

"Drop your weapons and surrender. We will shoot you if nessecary".

She was facing about thirty guards, yet she stood calm.
The smirk on her face disappeared and was replaced by a big smile exposing her fangs and forked tongue. Slowly she let her coat slide on the floor.

The guards watched in horror as two slim, majestic wings unfolded on her back.

Before the guards could react, she had grabbed the knives, lept forward, jumped over 2 guards, slicing their throat and landed int he middle of the rotating stair collum. She turned to the guards. Before they could shoot her she blew them a kiss and jumped up. First, second, third. On the third floor she grabbed the rail and used it for another jump. When she reached the sixth floor she looked down. The guards had only managed to come halfway the first.

Quickly she searched the doors. At the end of the hall was the ministers office. She threw her knifes at the guards guarding the door. They went down without seeing her. When she reached the door she took her knives again, knocked on the door and went in.

"What the.. who are you", the minister said.
"Delylah Darkstorm"
"You can't ju..."
"Sit down and listen to me", she nearly spat the words in his face.
"I will not si.."

She grabbed him by his neck and thrusted him back in his seat.

"Twenty five years ago you send human slaves to the Demons at Nookiya to keep them silent over the racism going on in Dankton. Two weeks ago they were sent back to Dankton to buy off a Demon raid on a human cargo vessel. Last week the slaves were murdered. By your command".

The minister looked shocked.

"How do you know that. That is classified information".
"One of the slaves was my mother".

An evil smile got on the minister face.
"You don't want to know what happened to them before we killed them".

With a mighty blow of her left wing she cleared the desk and with the right wing she blew the man off his seat. The man went straight through the window.

"Oh heck no you won't"
She ran and jumped from the window, grabbing the man and flying back up again.
"Not like that you won't"
She bit him in the neck and drank his blood.

When she could hear the guards come closer she severed his head with her lightblade and impaled the head on the coatholder and placed it on his desk.

She walked to the window and turned towards the door. Seconds later the guards came in. Horrified by what they saw, she blew them a kiss again and jumped out the window gliding down six floors. As soon as she landed she ran back in the lobby to grab her coat. When her wings were folded again she turned the coat back on to hide this demonic feat from the mortals.

She looked at her clock. Her train would leave in three minutes. On her way across the square she could hear the sirenes already. By the time they had found out who she was, she was in a ship off the planet. If they could see it at all. Her white skin at day did not get detected by older model camera's. Only her cloths would be seen if the camera in the ministry was an old model.

Five minutes later she sat in the train which would take her to the airfield with the familiar smirk on her face. Succes was a good thing. Justice was even better. She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep for the rest of the journey.
New User
10/2/2007 9:34:16 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 6
RE: Corruption reins

Having arrived at the airfield she walked up to the nearest check in desk she could find.

"A ticket to Lyria, Vansid please"
"I'm sorry the first flight to Vansid is tomorrow"
"And cargo?"

The woman at the desk didnt seem to understand.
"Can I travel with a cargovessel"
"What? As cargo?"

Danged Mortals
"No woman as a passenger on a cargo vessel. They are undermanned most of the times anyway".
"Well I don't know you have to ask at the cargobay". The woman pointed to a big iron sliding door on the other way of the terminal.
"Thank you", Delylah said and walked off to the door.

The door slid open and Delylah was welcomed by the smell of jetfuel and sweat.
She walked to a T5 Galaxy modified for cargo transport only. It was just being loaded.

"Can I 'elp ye missy". A foul smelling human approached her.
"I'm looking for the captain of this vessel".
"'E's ove' ere", the man pointed to the front of the vessel. Delylah inspected the captain as she approached. He was a very tall Kiefan with bright white hair and a handsome suit.

"Excuse me I was wondering if you got a crew slot open".
The captain turned around and smiled.
"Suppose I had. Why would I give it to you".
"Why would you not".
"How do you even know where I'm going young miss".

Delylah pointed to the boxes being hauled inside the belly of the huge T5.
"Walker Enterprises. Qwarke."
"Perceptive young one you are. I might have a free seat. What is your namë".
"Why do you need my name?"
"I need to register you for the flight".
"Right. Staicey Smith".
"Welcome aboard miss. We leave in three hours. With or without yoü".

Delylah thanked the man and strolled up and down the terminal. Seeing the news, she found out the camera's did not recognize her as Delylah but the police department was sure it was a female demon wearing a black coat.
She noticed more and more people looking at her and the last hour she spend waiting in the cargo bay.

Right in time they left, the hangar and left the Meeriad orbit soon after.
"You have to sleep in our room I'm afraid miss Smith". The captain pointed to his three other crew members and himself, with the biggest smile ever.
"Oh don't worry. I don't need much sleep".
The three man looked at her in disappointment.

The captain programmed the first hyperdrive and Delylah got off minding her own business.
Daireem - Corruption reins
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